can videoLAN support h.264?

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can videoLAN support h.264?

Postby happen » 08 Dec 2004 03:13

hi~~,everyone,I'm the newcommer of the videoLAN. beacuse of my job, I may use the media player to do with the h.264's file. and I know the player can paly the h.264 file with analyse the open source, but when I get a h.264 file, I find the file cannot play on the palyer. why? maybe ,I get the wrong format file,then can anyone give me an new h.264 file? maybe, I can compile the source and set some parameters to let the player support the format?
help me ! please!



Re: can videoLAN support h.264?

Postby gnu » 09 Dec 2004 06:34

it's spported!
1. used the sorenson squez!. encoding to AVC(h.264)
2. open file(AVC Encoding files), used VLC-0.8.1

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 893
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 09:38

Postby Sigmund » 09 Dec 2004 08:13

it is parially supported. Some features does not work, or even make vlc crash. Right now there seems to be some hope that this can be improved soon.

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