rtp stream not works with B-frames

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 9
Joined: 26 Dec 2007 17:49
VLC version: 0.9.8a
Operating System: Linux(CentOS5.2)

rtp stream not works with B-frames

Postby madRat » 10 Mar 2009 16:28

I've transcode video in real time with vcodec="MP4V", acodec="MP4A" and sends the transcoded stream to DarwinStreamingServer by rtp.

Vlc 8.6 - transcode correctly, but it cann't work with some mms streams.
Vlc 9.8a - works with that mms stream, but cannot transcode ony if b-frames is disabled. When b-frames is enabled - the VLC doesn't work - it not send
any video data to DarwinStreaming Server (but generate valid sdp file with correct video and audio streams).

But when I try to store stream with b-frames into file (std instread rtp) - the it saves correctly!

I works on CentOS 5.2 (aka RedHat enterprise 5)

transcode command is:

Code: Select all

vlc -vvv --http-caching=5000 --mms-caching=5000 --udp-caching=5000 -L --ttl 3 --file-caching=10000 --sout-transcode-high-priority -I dummy -V dummy --file-logging --logmode=syslog --logfile=local3 $URL --sout '#transcode{venc=ffmpeg{bframes=0,ffmpeg-debug=1,debug=1},vcodec=mp4v,vb=400,fps=20,width=320,height=240,acodec=mp4a,channels=1,ab=48}:rtp{port-audio=20000,port-video=20002,dst=,sdp=file:///usr/local/movies/1.sdp}
and it works, but when i turn ob b-frames (bframes=1 instead bframes=0) - the vlc generates valid sdp file but not sends any data to port 20002.

I'am using iptraf for monitoring network activity on - the simplest way to watch is the transcoding works or not.

Is anybody face problem like this?
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