VLC Ripp help

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VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 29 Jan 2009 17:31

I have VLC Media Player 0.9.2 and does not look like any of the Photos in any of the Documents.

My Toolbar looks like this from Left to Right

I need to know Step by Step how to Rip or Convert a DVD to one of the Video Formats?
The way I was trying it was
I Put a DVD in the Drive and whent to Media then Convert / Save
Then the screen that comes up next says OPEN and it is a window with two sides. and at the Bottom it has a Dropdown Box that says Filters.

Now up top in the two sided window I don't think I am sapost to pick my DVD Drive because if I click on the Tab that says DISC that gives me all my Options of Pick my Drive and settings and things like that.

Please Please can someone just tell me Step by Step what to do to Tak a DVD and convert it to say MPEG-2 ???

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 29 Jan 2009 21:41

ANYONE Please????????

Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 29 Jan 2009 23:02

Use DVD without menus and transcode to a file. Go to:
Media >> Convert / Save...

Select "Disc", then "DVD" and tick "No DVD menus". Press "Convert / Save". Tick "File" and enter a location to save to (e.g. "C:\OUT.mpg").

If you want MPEG-2 select "MPEG-TS" as the Encapsulation. Select a video/audio codec if you want to convert them (blank will just copy from source).

Press "Save" and wait for it to transcode (stop it prematurely if you want to test the output in VLC first, then just restart it if it is OK).

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 30 Jan 2009 23:35

I di everyhing you told me to do and then Clicked save.
I then walked away and when I can back I saw a window that says VLC Encountered A Problem And Needs To Closs.

And that was it and it placed a File on my Desktop of 0 Bytes.
Please help I am running Win XP Pro

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 31 Jan 2009 01:21

Try updating to VLC 0.9.8a:

And if the process of uninstalling/installing reset preferences and cache files (tick the checkbox in the installer wizard).

Then try again.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby VLC_help » 31 Jan 2009 17:37

And if that doesn't help, paste your transcoding options here.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 31 Jan 2009 22:53

I just got VLC 0.9.8a: and it still wont Transcode my DVD

I think I will tell you what I did.
I go to Media then Convert / Save
I then Click on the Disc Tab
Then I select my Disc Drive D:

I then put a Check in DVD and a Check in No Menus

I leave the Box that says Chapters set to 0.
And I leave the Box that says Title set to 0.

And then Click Convert / Save at the Bottom Right hand side.
Then a Window come up that lets me Pick Encapulation I pick MPEG-TS because I want mpeg-2

Then I Click on Video Codecs and the Dropdown List has MPEG-1 showing but I Click on it and Pick MPEG-2 from the list because I want MPEG-2.

And I have it save to Desktop and I name it Rob.mpg

I click save and then it does something and puts a File called Rob.mpg on Desktop and then a Window says VLC Needs To Closs it ecountered a problem

Am I not picking the right Encatulation to go with the Video codec I pick MPEG-2???????

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 31 Jan 2009 22:55


Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 31 Jan 2009 23:37

Don't expect an answer in under 2 mins :)!

The process you did looks OK. When you installed VLC 0.9.8a did you delete preferences and cache files? If not go to (just enter into Windows Explorer address bar):

And delete the "vlc" folder.

As VLC_help said post messages - open VLC, go to "Tools >> Messages" and raised the "Verbosity level" to 2. Then setup the DVD conversion etc. Copy and paste the messages here (if VLC crashes you should still be able to copy the text before pressing "Close" on the crash window - otherwise log to a file).

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 01 Feb 2009 00:30

OK the window that comes up that says VLC had to closs it ncountered a Problem

I can not copy and Past it here because it is not that kind of Window.

And can I Delette Cash and the VLC Folder now without Un Installing VLC???
And I did not understand what you wanted me to set to 2.????

Can we try one thing at a time I am getting a little Mixed Up???
PS When I Un Installed the old VLC I did click on Delette Profiles

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 01 Feb 2009 00:55

I whent to Tools >> Messages"
I did not see "Verbosity level"

How do I set it to 2. and what is this???

Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 01 Feb 2009 03:02

And can I Delette Cash and the VLC Folder now without Un Installing VLC???
Yes - just close VLC down first then delete the "vlc" folder in the %appdata% folder. If you are using Windows XP the %appdata% folder should be:
C:\Documents and Settings\(Your username)\Application Data

If you want to navigate to it manually. But entering %appdata% into the Windows Explorer address bar should do the same thing.
I whent to Tools >> Messages"
I did not see "Verbosity level"

How do I set it to 2. and what is this???
"Tools >> Messages..." will bring up the "Messages" windows. At the bottom-left corner of the window it says "Verbosity Level" with a textbox that says "0". Raise that to "2". Then once you have done that keep the Messages window up and using VLC as normal for the DVD conversion. When you start the conversion messages will appear in the Messages window.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 01 Feb 2009 21:35

Do I have to Un Install VLC Media Player before I go to my User Accounts APPLICATION DATA Folder and Delette the VLC Floder???

Or sould I just keep my VLC Media Player Program Installed and go to my User Accounts APPLICATION DATA Folder and Delette VLC Folder???

Witch one should I do??

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 01 Feb 2009 23:19

Or sould I just keep my VLC Media Player Program Installed and go to my User Accounts APPLICATION DATA Folder and Delette VLC Folder???
^ Do this one.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 01 Feb 2009 23:44

OK thanks for the help
I when to C:\documents and settings\my user account name and then I whent into Applcatiobn Data and saw VLC Folder.

I Deletted it now what els should I do before trying to Ripp the DVD???

Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 02 Feb 2009 01:16

I Deletted it now what els should I do before trying to Ripp the DVD???
Open VLC, go to "Tools >> Messages..." and raise the "Verbosity Level" to 2.

Then in the main VLC window setup you DVD-Video conversion by doing "Media >> Convert / Save..." etc. Hopefully VLC won't crash this time. If it does, post the messages from the Messages window here.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 02 Feb 2009 03:29

One thing what is Verbosity Level??????????????

And I go to...Tools...Messages and I don't see anything that says... "Verbosity Level???
Do I have to go into a Sub Menu or is it Abreveated?????????????

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby random » 02 Feb 2009 06:44

See an optometrist first before you come to this forum thanks.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 03 Feb 2009 05:11

Ok I Deletted the VLC Folder in the APS DIR and I set the Verbos to 2.

Should I do anything els just to be sure before I try to Ripp a DVD???

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby VLC_help » 03 Feb 2009 12:57

No. Keep the messages open and start the ripping. Then paste messages here. Use Code tags when you paste messages.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 03 Feb 2009 19:10

Ok I left the Massage Window open and rtyed to Ripp a DVD again.

The same thing happened a Window comes up that says VLC Needs To Closs It Encountered A Problem.

In the VLC Massage Window it says
main info: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.

Is this what you told me to copy?? This is all it says

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 03 Feb 2009 19:13

You need to set the verbosity level to 2 before ripping the DVD, see random's post:

So - open the messages window, raise the verbosity level, the rip the DVD again. When VLC crashes copy the messages here if you can.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 03 Feb 2009 20:03

One thing befor I try to Rip again??

I put a checkmark in File and then Brows for my D:/ Drive.

And I just rtyed this after I get to D:/ I make sure I select Video-TS
For all the DVD Files but one thing the Folder Video-ST does not open I just can select it.

And I thought maybe if I try this instead of just Selecting D:/ it will work.
When I go to Rip this time the VLC Media Player just hangs there but not Window telling me it has to Crash or Closs.

So I let it stay for a fue min. thinking that it is going but nothing so I closs it.

But it still put a File on my Desktop that is 0. Bytes.

I just wanted to let you know what I tryed.

When the Window does come up that tells me VLC had to closs it is more like one of those Windows Massages I can't copy the words in it.
Now do you meen to click on Learn More at the bottom??

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby Arite » 03 Feb 2009 20:13

OK well let's just assume the messages can't be copied. Instead do this:

Go to:
Start >> Run...

And enter:

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --file-logging --logfile C:\vlc_log.txt
Then press OK. That should open VLC. Then with that do you DVD rip. When VLC crashes, press OK/Close to close it down.

Then open up My Computer, C:\ drive and open "vlc_log.txt" there. Copy and paste the contents here.

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Re: VLC Ripp help

Postby biferi » 03 Feb 2009 20:44

I did everything you told me to above.
I Deleted VLC Folder again in APS DIR.
I set Verboss Lvel to 2.
And have an error report.
It says

Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvdsimple://D:\'. Check the log for details.

One thing it did not put it in my C:/ it just opened it up on screen.
What will it be called if it put it in my C:/??

Didthis help???

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