Embedded VLC

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Embedded VLC

Postby sqk » 08 Dec 2008 17:50

How can I embedd VLC into a html homepage. Is there a demo somvere


Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Embedded VLC

Postby thannoy » 16 Dec 2008 01:11

There are examples yes, and a documentation of the JavaScript API to control it. Also, revolunet wrote a lib to help VLC plugin HTML-integration. Here are some links:

- http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation: ... lla_plugin (The JS API described here os the same for ActiveX and Mozilla-plugin)
- http://wiki.videolan.org/ActiveX/HTML (HTML code for ActiveX)
- http://wiki.videolan.org/HowTo_Integrat ... ur_webpage (help about revolunet lib)
- http://code.revolunet.com/VLCobject (Insert a VLC HTML-plugin regardless the browser the client use)
- http://code.revolunet.com/VLCcontrols (Also create an HTML control bar for the VLC instance)
- http://code.revolunet.com/VLCcontrols/V ... anced.html (advanced usage of VLC web plugins)

Some more documentation searching the forum.

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