HELP! Several Questions about ActiveX Control...

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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HELP! Several Questions about ActiveX Control...

Postby 5kinman » 02 Dec 2008 03:08

My OS is WindowXP and already install VLC 0.8.6. I would like to use a html as a client side receiving the multicast streaming DVB-T signal.

Here are the problems I am facing:

1. In some cases, the VLC cannot display correctly. A small part of the display is what I want to see, some small part display colorful squares (light green and pink within the square), and most of the area is black. When reflashing the IE, the client start working in most of the time (this may be occur even reflashing the IE).

2. I cannot display the sub-title of the streaming DVB-T channel. How can I activate the sub-title? Is it possible to gather the number of the sub-title providing? (I can select sub-title when using the VLC application itself)

3. Similarly, can I select different audio channel provided by the stream?

Can anyone tell me how to do it? I have already study the example ... d_above.29


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