VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

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VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby dougie » 30 Sep 2008 05:55

I have VLC 9.2 installed on XP Home system. Copied several DVD's using CloneDVD2. Each DVD copy is in its own file under a the master file Films. When I use "Media" "Open Folder" and open Films VLC creates a playlist and starts playing the first in the play list. It will play about 3 films then hang on the opening credits. If I hit "n" on the keyboard it will start to play and play a few more videos until it hangs on the opening credits again. It seems to only hang at similar spots on the digital copies. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby VLC_help » 30 Sep 2008 10:12

Use Open Disc for DVD stuff.

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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby dougie » 02 Oct 2008 21:20

Used Open Disk to "Enque" 9 DVD's that I needed to play one after the other. The program now stops after the first DVD and I still have to press "n" to get to the next DVD. Is there a command I need to set to get the player to play the next film? I'm doing this for my mother who has Alzhiemers and can't remember what button to push much less anything about a computer so I need something that will just play the next video on the play list, keep playing until the end of the list and then start over again.

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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby random » 03 Oct 2008 11:32

Used Open Disk to "Enque" 9 DVD's that I needed to play one after the other. The program now stops after the first DVD and I still have to press "n" to get to the next DVD. Is there a command I need to set to get the player to play the next film? I'm doing this for my mother who has Alzhiemers and can't remember what button to push much less anything about a computer so I need something that will just play the next video on the play list, keep playing until the end of the list and then start over again.
I tried with a couple of dvd and at the end of each disc playback it default to go back to the main menu and not the next item in the playlist so you might want to try dvd simple open but it loops the movie two times because of navigation.

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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby dougie » 04 Oct 2008 05:21

What is DVD Simple Open? How do I get VLC to play multiple DVD's in a series?

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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby VLC_help » 04 Oct 2008 14:38

Media -> Open Disc... should have No DVD menus option aka dvdsimple. But IIRC you can't play them one after another with Disc option, because of DVD structure and navigational issues.

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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby dougie » 04 Oct 2008 18:25

Thank you for all your help. I think you are saying that there is no way to play DVD's automatically, one after the other in VLC.

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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby dougie » 05 Oct 2008 07:01

I've decided to create avi files using the DVDs on the hard drive and play those sequentially. I'm using Magic DVD ripper. It takes about an hour to create an avi file for a single DVD off hard drive. Does anyone know of a faster method?

Mega Cone Master
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Re: VLC 9.2 playlist hangs when showing DVD fr drive

Postby VLC_help » 05 Oct 2008 14:43

If you encode video, there isn't really fast option available. But you can just demux video and audio track from movie and mux them to MPG file (it is fast, and there is no quality loss).

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