comments on the new VLC

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comments on the new VLC

Postby vlclol » 27 Sep 2008 07:44

Yeah, i know you're tired of hearing about them. I know the response will probably be 'get over it' like it has been in some of the other threads, but w/e. I don't have any standing if i haven't complained, have i?

I think the new VLC, interface-wise, is a step backwards. I gather from my 2 or 3 years' experience with VLC that this is an area of some contention, since i've seen a lot of complaining about it (especially from Windows users), but never any significant changes. Anyway, here are my comments; some of them aren't specifically related to this new version, and some of them are nit-picky, but taken together i think they have a huge impact on the experience of using the program.

1. Dragging folders into VLC is still flakey. In most media applications, adding a folder results in that folder's contents being added 'flatly' to the play list. In VLC, the folder is added in a 'tree' structure. This would be fine, if it worked correctly. One issue: You can't tell that the folder has been added successfully until you open it. If the folder is a tree node, there should be an arrow next to it. In VLC, this arrow doesn't appear until you double-click on it, which means my first impression is that adding folders this way doesn't work (since having an empty file called 'season 03' for example isn't helpful to me). Here's an illustration:


Additionally, VLC still adds media formats it obviously can't handle, like Finder folder icons:


2. Why does the 'Playlist' node remain when the 'Use media library' feature is disabled? This makes no sense. Why would i want a collapsable play list inside the collapsable play-list window?

3. Why isn't the 'Playlist' node automatically expanded when i drag files into the window? Why on earth would i specifically open the Playlist window if i didn't want to see my play list?

4. Why can't i get rid of this stupid 'Author' column? This column is always empty when i watch videos, so it's just a complete waste of space in the window. Let me remove it!


5. Why doesn't the item count update properly? I clearly don't have '1 item' in the list, so if it's not going to be accurate i would prefer it just be removed.


6. While we're in the area, what is the deal with that whole bottom bar anyway? It looks incredibly out-of-place. The search box is too far to the right, and as with most of the interface the controls look really non-native. Trying so hard to be Mac-like, but falling squarely in the 'uncanny valley'.

7. I get weird rendering bugs in the list window.


8. As before, the whole multi-window interface concept is annoying and redundant. Why are there two seek bars and two play buttons and two fast-forward buttons? Why don't i have a button to skip to the next item or control the volume in the player window? Don't you think these are incredibly important functions of a movie player? Do i really need to have this stupid controller window open in the background at all times to do this?

9. On the subject of the player window, what did you guys do to the bottom bar? Why is this rewind button smack up against the side of the window?


et cetera

This is literally like 10 minutes' worth of observations. I'm sure if i stuck with it i could give you a lot more, but judging by the change log there hasn't really been anything worth putting up with this, so i won't.

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Re: comments on the new VLC

Postby The DJ » 29 Sep 2008 15:55

Unfortunately, lack of developers interested in GUI issues...
Don't use PMs for support questions.

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Re: comments on the new VLC

Postby n00b32 » 29 Sep 2008 19:07

Cross post about these issues:


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