context menu/shell integration for single media file?

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context menu/shell integration for single media file?

Postby nickfromgib » 02 Sep 2008 17:47

Okay, I've managed to integrate VLC media player into Windows Shell, eg right click a folder > Play with VLC Media Player etc. I would like "Add to VLC media player's Playlist" to appear in the context menu when I right-click on single .mp3 file.
Image Image
I would like this done so as to be able to create playlists, so select an .mp3 file and add to playlist, making it easier to create temporary playlists.
I do know how to use regedit, but i dont know how to write scripts :(. If someone could write a script to enable "Add to VLC media player's Playlist" for single .mp3 files that would be great. I'm running Vista x64 by the way, if it makes a difference.
Much appreciated,

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Re: context menu/shell integration for single media file?

Postby nickfromgib » 02 Sep 2008 22:17

guess what? i fixed my own problem! 20 mins of reading some tuts on the internet and another 30 mins putting it into practice and i fixed my own problem. for those who want to do the same as me heres the script:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Add to VLC media player's Playlist"

@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe --started-from-file --playlist-enqueue \"%1\""
Open notepad, copy paste the script, save as .reg, enter it into registry. i cannot be held responsible for any mishaps.
to prove it works for me:

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Re: context menu/shell integration for single media file?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 03 Sep 2008 01:36

Can you clarify ?
It works now for folder but not for mp3?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: context menu/shell integration for single media file?

Postby nickfromgib » 03 Sep 2008 13:49

i'm afraid you misunderstood, the problem was that VLC would appear in the context menu of a folder but not a single media file, in my case i wanted it to appear in a single audio file's context menu as well as a folder's context menu. i fixed this by adding that key to the registry.

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