Steps for Installation of VLC 0.8.6 & above on UBUNTU

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 47
Joined: 07 Jul 2008 11:02

Steps for Installation of VLC 0.8.6 & above on UBUNTU

Postby coldfire » 25 Aug 2008 09:54

Download and Installation Steps for VLC (0.8.6 and above) on UBUNTU 8.04

Lets start...

There are two versions of VLC (the Release version and the Test version which is often knows as Nightly Builds)

STEP - 0a
Get Release VLC source code via Git
$ git clone git://
or if u want nightly build than
STEP - 0b
Get Nightly VLC source code via Git
To get nightly code you need to edit your "/etc/apt/sources.list" file
and add any of the following lines (more info here)

Code: Select all

For Ubuntu Intrepid I386 (unstable) add the following line to your sources.list: deb ./ For Ubuntu Intrepid AMD64 (unstable) add the following line to your sources.list: deb ./ /************ I added this one for my requirement ***********/ For Ubuntu Hardy I386 (stable) snapshot add the following line to your sources.list: deb / /***************************************************************/ For Ubuntu Breezy I386 snapshot add the following line to your sources.list: deb / For Ubuntu Dapper I386 snapshot add the following line to your sources.list: deb /
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
NOTE: if you dont want nightly build than DONOT add any of the above lines, because if you do and then do update or upgrade it will overwrite the old code

STEP - 1
Before bootstraping or configuring VLC first do this
sudo apt-get build-dep vlc
sudo apt-get install autoconf (if not already installed)
sudo apt-get install automake (if not already installed)
STEP - 2
Now goto the respective vlc directory and type in the console following
STEP - 3a
than do configure (with appropriate parameter/OPTIONS), OPTIONS could be like --enable-release or --enable-mozilla (to enable vlc plugin for mozilla firefox) etc.
./configure --prefix=/usr [OPTIONS]
STEP - 3b
In configure, if it gives error on certain missing libraries than install them, whereas typical missing libraries you may install will be
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
sudo apt-get install libXpm-dev actually depends on your configure OPTIONS. Anyway move forward to

STEP - 4
After successful configure step, continue towards 'make'
STEP - 5
than login as root password by typing
than its password and then type

STEP - 6
make install
if you find these steps useful than do leave comments below

Few notes:
If u have configured with --enable-mozilla than would have been made in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ , but you will need to copy it in your firefox and xulrunner plugins directory to correctly configure it, someitmes configuration breaks...

Good one What is H264?

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