Receiving and overlaying multiple video streams

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Receiving and overlaying multiple video streams

Postby lct08 » 24 Jun 2008 00:14


I'm using libvlc to write a C++ program where it can receive, say 2, video streams simultaneously over the net and overlay the received video streams in one window (e.g. one video stream as the background and the other as the foreground). Any idea how to do this? Thanks a lot in advance.

best regards.

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Re: Receiving and overlaying multiple video streams

Postby lct08 » 24 Jun 2008 19:07

Can this be done using the VLC application or using VLC code? Anyone? j-b? VLCHelp? gurus ....

Please help,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Receiving and overlaying multiple video streams

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 24 Jun 2008 20:06

You need to code around VLM to do that. But no idea if that is easily doable.
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Re: Receiving and overlaying multiple video streams

Postby lct08 » 25 Jun 2008 00:00

Thanks J-B. I'll try with VLM workaround. I'm not sure if this another solution work: Can I receive 2 video streams at two different ports on the same VLC object instance, then capture images from those two streams and overlay them? If this works, any hint on what APIs I should I use for each task (receiving streams from 2 ports/capturing images)?

Thanks so much.

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Re: Receiving and overlaying multiple video streams

Postby VLC_help » 25 Jun 2008 15:15

AFAIK One VLC instance can only get one video at the time. So VLM workaround must be the easiest way.

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