Motion JPEG refresh

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Motion JPEG refresh

Postby adia » 20 May 2008 12:59


I'm trying to play Motion JPEG (MJPEG) with VLC. I'm providing the web cam URL as the source. The picture is displayed for about half a second and then it disappears immediately (unless I manage to press really quick on the "Pause" button).
Is there a way to make the picture stay? Moreover, is there a way to make it refresh every X seconds?
If so, are there also parameters for this that I could provide from the command line / as parameters to a browser-embedded VLC object?


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 12 May 2008 18:44

Re: Motion JPEG refresh

Postby janezp » 21 May 2008 13:16

MJPEG should work without any refreshing, IMHO.

It is a continous stream of JPEG pictures, with additional (text?) header info.

It works perfectly for me using vlc 0.8.6f and Axis 207/207W cameras.

Maybe you supplied camera url with the static JPEG image to vlc instead of url of MJPEG stream?

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