Multi-Screen Wall-Video small problem

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Multi-Screen Wall-Video small problem

Postby Stiltonator » 28 Jan 2008 02:47

First i'd just like to say, thanks for the great -free- video player... Free, and without adverts.. hard to believe in todays world :D

viewtopic.php?f=14&t=27018&p=83293&hili ... en+#p83293
Helped my original problem.. Now i can watch videos on all 3 monitors... woot

Now i've noticed, when playing... That the side 2 monitors are really stretched out of proportion, and the middle monitor isnt, or i can get all 3 to work right, but the middle one has black bars down the sides, meaning it kinda of breaks the illusion of one big screen. (either that, or i can fiddle with the aspect ratio setting - this means they all match up, but the side 2 monitors look really pixalated )

My monitors are all 3 22" widescreen monitors... and basically im wondering how i can tell VLC to stretch evenly across all 3...


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Re: Multi-Screen Wall-Video small problem

Postby Stiltonator » 03 Feb 2008 22:50

Hate to bump this, possibly not allowed... but lots of views and no replies and it slipped to page 3..

So in summary, halp pls!
Im using the wall option to use 3 22" widescreen screens / On default aspect ratio.. i get black bars across the top+bottom of middle screen, but not sides... If i set it to 1:1 aspect.. they all match up but the middle screen isnt stretched far enough so has black bars on the left and right...

And using other aspects, it just looks completely fubared.. like for example, the left and right screens are -extremely- stretched..

halp. what am i doing wrong and/or how can i fix it.


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Re: Multi-Screen Wall-Video small problem

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 03 Feb 2008 22:55

have you tried panoramix filter in vlc ?
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Re: Multi-Screen Wall-Video small problem

Postby Stiltonator » 03 Feb 2008 23:03

hmmm don't i feel like an idiot... kind-of

Still, there isn't a 'panoramix' filter in my output options, i am only using 0.8.6.c ... so that might be why i dont see one in there, unless.. it's not under there.

i'll have a look for it, thx

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Re: Multi-Screen Wall-Video small problem

Postby cocquebert » 04 Feb 2008 14:02

Just with 0.9 version (try the nightly build ...)

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Re: Multi-Screen Wall-Video small problem

Postby Stiltonator » 06 Feb 2008 19:27

Wow.. i didn't know there was anything like a 'nightly build' bad sadly, the night i got it from... doesn't work.

I make a new copy of it, and run it, turned on the panoramix and it just crashes, i tried it with various videos, and a shiny new dvd and no joy, everytime i click play, it starts to play...

It appears to play fine, but the message : "VLC has encountered an error and has to close, sorry for the inconvience" pops up.. I imagine if that message didnt bother me i could just continue to watch the film in the background, but obviously.. something's not right :)

Cheers for the help, but yeh, the panoramix thing doesn't see to work for me..
..Also, maybe i'm an idiot, but perhaps you guys could make a sticky post with some reference to the nightly builds, as i had to follow someone else's 'How do i install a nighty build' topic to even work out what it was.
[Edit - it works now, sort of :? ]

In preferences, under Show-settings(All) and clicking on [+]Video - Filters ... I have the list of video filters, listed twice... It appears if i don't enable the panoramix under both filter-module lists... that's what causes the crash...

But more importantly, to me anyway... I have no idea what the many options are under panoramix.. And i am having no joy, with the constant crashes.. in setting the player up to simply span it across the 3 monitors. Evenly.
There must be SOMEONE out there, who has acomplished this... So please, any advice on what these settings are, and how i can achieve what i want, would be appreciated.
I have already read the wiki, it did not help me understand it, lol.. Probably because i have no idea what most of the technical-jargonised explanations on the wiki mean.

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