Internet Explorer Plugin for VLC.

Feature requests for VLC.

Internet Explorer Plugin for VLC.

Postby Artur » 08 Sep 2004 01:07


I was asking myself if there is any Internet Explorer Plug-In for VLC
and i was told on VideoLAN IRC channel that there is none and nobody
is working on it.

As this is an interesting feature for my company i am trying to investigate
who can work on it and how much it may cost.

As it seems that this is NOT a priority for the VideoLan development team
if you know af anyone that could be interested on working on it please
let me know here or at the following email address :

artur dot pydo at netdirect dot fr

Thanks a lot for your attention.

Best regards,


Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 08 Sep 2004 03:34

I'm curious as to what a plug-in is actually supposed to do. You can already configure IE so that it becomes the default player for multimedia selected by IE.

(Open the Media control window, go in under options -- settings. Tell it to ask you for selected player. Then, first time you select a given type of multimedia, do a Browwse when you get queried, select VLC, tell it to default to that choice in the future.)

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 08 Sep 2004 14:32

it would be used for embedding into webpages..
much like realplayer, wmp, flash etc.

However since IE implicetly means ActiveX, you could in theory even get VLC within your MSWord document then.
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Postby Guest » 09 Sep 2004 03:18

I'm curious as to what a plug-in is actually supposed to do.
The DJ gave already the right answer. :)

Best regards,


The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 09 Sep 2004 10:38

Not that this requires someone not only with MS Windows programming skills (already rare in our team) but also someone with considerable ActiveX skils.
Don't use PMs for support questions.


Registering VLC to a URL Protocol

Postby Manuel » 22 Sep 2004 02:30


I just wanted to build up a VOD solution with VLC and a webserver. I found a little workaround at MSDN that satisfies my needs.

Basically I wanted to create links on the webserver like the following
(a href="vlcstream://mywebserver/somevideo.avi") Somevideo (/a)

On the Client I had to Register VLC to a URL Protocol by inserting the following keys into the registry:

(Default) = "URL:VLC Protocol"
URL Protocol = ""
(Default) = "c:\programme\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
(Default) = "c:\programme\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe -vvv http://%1"

After restarting IE I can follow the links to my files with vlcstream-Protocol and VLC starts playing the networkstream.

Best regards,

Reference: ... ndix_a.asp

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Postby errno » 28 Nov 2004 19:48

(Open the Media control window, go in under options -- settings. Tell it to ask you for selected player. Then, first time you select a given type of multimedia, do a Browwse when you get queried, select VLC, tell it to default to that choice in the future.)
Tell about this feshion more expressly, please.
Maybe whith screenshots? Becouse I'am not expirienced Windows user, I'am using Linux mostly, but must do VoD via HTTP user-friendly under Win.


Postby TiagoBraw » 02 Dec 2004 21:43

Yeah, I want to know were this "Media control" is too...

Please, can u answer more expressly how I can get to this window?

Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 02 Dec 2004 22:46

Internet Explorer 6 on Win2K:
Click the "Media" button that's on the row of icons at the top of IE. This opens a pane called "Media Places" on the left of IE.

At the bottom of Media Places is an area called "Media Options" -- click on that item. Left click "Media Options" and select Settings -- Reset Preferred Types. Respond Yes when prompted.

Then, left click Media Options again, select Settings -- Ask for Preferred Types, so that it now shows a check next to it.

That's about all -- click on a link with a file, such as myfile.mpg, and IE will now prompt you for what you want to play the file. Do a Browse, select VLC.

You can also make IE do things like open VLC if you select an rtsp:// That is done with a registry update, creating a new media type, associating it with VLC. I've created a .reg file, but unfortunately it's english-specific -- I don't know the proper coding, so mine is set to c:\program files\videolan\vlc (there's something like a $program variable, to tell windows to go to wherever the program files area is, but I don't know the proper format)


Media Control

Postby TiagoBraw » 07 Dec 2004 14:39

Thanks man, I saw it in a windows 2003 Server, and I remember to seen this bar in a windows XP, do you know how do I get to it in windows XP?


windows system variables

Postby hog » 08 Dec 2004 09:42

(there's something like a $program variable, to tell windows to go to wherever the program files area is, but I don't know the proper format)
just type

Code: Select all

in a command box

and you'll see something like
ProgramFiles=F:\Program Files
or type

Code: Select all

echo %ProgramFiles%
to see the expanded variable


Re: Registering VLC to a URL Protocol

Postby Sau » 09 Dec 2004 15:19

I just wanted to build up a VOD solution with VLC and a webserver. I found a little workaround at MSDN that satisfies my needs.

Basically I wanted to create links on the webserver like the following
(a href="vlcstream://mywebserver/somevideo.avi") Somevideo (/a)

On the Client I had to Register VLC to a URL Protocol by inserting the following keys into the registry:

(Default) = "URL:VLC Protocol"
URL Protocol = ""
(Default) = "c:\programme\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
(Default) = "c:\programme\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe -vvv http://%1"

After restarting IE I can follow the links to my files with vlcstream-Protocol and VLC starts playing the networkstream.
In my WinXP, the "vlcstream://mywebserver/somevideo.avi" link will become "http://vlcstream://mywebserver/somevideo.avi". And that can't be executed by vlc.
What should I do?

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