adding Linux Mozilla Firefox plugin controls

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adding Linux Mozilla Firefox plugin controls

Postby jasper_alias » 25 Sep 2007 10:58


We are two students from a collage in the Netherlands working on a Linux fedora project.
Our goal is to make it possible to play embedded media streams in the browser. And add player controls to the
browser media stream. Our plan is to use the VLC mozilla plugin and add the support for the streams on the dutch sites:

We did this by adding the following line to the vlc.h file:
"video/x-ms-wvx::Windows Media Video;"\

This works fine except we have no controls. (like play/pause button etc.)

Now we learned that we can achieve this by making it ourselves: use WxWidgets to create two subwindows:
one for the video and one for the controls and then make buttons.

What we are asking from the VLC community is twofold:
1. is there any demand for such an addition to VLC mozilla firefox plugin?
2. Code tourguide: where in the code can we find the part where VLC plugin creates the window now?

we appreciate any and all help:
Jasper Alias "jasper_alias"
Frans van Veen "fvanveen"

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: adding Linux Mozilla Firefox plugin controls

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 25 Sep 2007 19:22

Wxwidgets support is being dropped in the development versions... So this might not be the best idea.

Moreover, I don't see how you would integrate wx inside Mozilla browser...

Anyway, there is such a demand and there are solutions, not easy ones. You should definitively talk to damienf that will give you some hints.

Some ideas, are using the subpictures modules, and some are more complicated.
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Re: adding Linux Mozilla Firefox plugin controls

Postby fvanveen » 27 Sep 2007 10:48

We try to send this message to damienf "damien dot fouilleul at laposte dot net"
Hello damienf,

We are two students from a dutch college the Hague
University( and we like to expend the VLC
webplugin by add control buttons for Fedora Linux in
Mozilla Firefox. We would like to use Wxwidgets to draw the
button. But we read on the VideoLAN forums
(viewtopic.php?f=18&t=40919) that
wxwidgets is dropped in the development versions. Do you
have some alternative ways to implement the control buttons
in the VLC webplugin that you prefer above WxWidgets.

Frans van Veen (fvanveen)
Jasper Alias (j_alias)
But he didn't replayed on that message. Is there some other way to get in contact with damienf.

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Re: adding Linux Mozilla Firefox plugin controls

Postby fvanveen » 10 Jan 2008 21:19

we are working on the mozillaPlugin(linux) creating a toolbar (in xwindow). We have the play and stop button working and like to add a icon, that moves when the video is playing. Is there a way i can use the VLC API to trigger a function that updates the moving icon?

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Re: adding Linux Mozilla Firefox plugin controls

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Jan 2008 23:29

Why don't you come on IRC ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: adding Linux Mozilla Firefox plugin controls

Postby revolunet » 09 Apr 2008 16:20

JaturontThan, theres already everything you need to embed VLC in your webpages.

you have a 'core' VLC plugin, in two flavours : ActiveX and Mozilla plugin and is included in VLC installer (you may need to check them during install)

and heres a small lib built on top of it if you need more : ... ur_webpage

nore there are new projects around (SoC 2008) to improve the plugins
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