*.mov & .hdmov*

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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*.mov & .hdmov*

Postby beto113 » 15 Sep 2007 16:17

Hi there...

I dont really know why but the thing is.... Sometimes when i try to watch any .mov in 1080p quallity in some scenes the image freezes for a sec and after 1..2sec it comes back.. i was searching and over a forum somewhere the answer was simple... just rename the files extrencion for ".hdmov" and then open with media player classic... and fixed.... but why??? is it possible to be fixed over vlc by " default??? i would be really glad if you guys could sort it out.

Another thing is keep some setting default like audio output like... ever time i open a video if avalible 5.1 sound is supported use it insted stereo or use any output i prefer

Keep the great work!!

Ive just posted in feature requests cuz i think its something with vlc or even any feature that MPC has that would be great.

Thx Beto

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Re: *.mov & .hdmov*

Postby VLC_help » 15 Sep 2007 19:04

It is very hard to figure what is the problem. But I am going to take wild guess here.
with help of that it explains that renaming .mov -> .hdmov causes use of other decoders than Apple's QuickTime.

But VLC doesn't use Apple's QuickTime or those directshow filters (VLC has own decoders and splitters). So only way to getter better playback is that FFMPEG get some better decoders (hopefully with multithreading support).

Default speaker setup should be read from Windows settings or at least my VLC does ( so Audio -> Audio Device defaults to it).

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