We have created a web page player for our local IPTV solution (on campus) using VLC. We are using both the mozilla plugin and the activeX plugin in the page. The page works great except their seems to be quite a few problem still the with the ActiveX plugin. In many instances, things just don't work (fullscreen, audio, video, crashing/freezing, etc.). Almost every time a user has issues with explorer, we have them test it in firefox. It always works fine in firefox.
Now I am not really looking for an explorer vs firefox discussion. I am simply looking for an answer to what stage in the development the plugins are at. The mozilla one just seems a lot more stable. Is this true? What are the future plans for both versions of the plugins? If the activeX plugin is known to be unstable, what is the timeline for it becoming stable, etc? Maybe the way I am implementing it is unstable.
Officially we want to support both browsers. But we may need to change our policy for VLC to say "if we can get it working in one browser, then that is good enough" (and then rely on firefox if their instance of IE is causing problems).
Any ideas, questions? Thanks for your help.
- Dan
PS. I have just started hearing about the JVLC project. Will we be able to use this to embed players in a webpage using JAVA instead of the the plugins?