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Folders and subtitle files

Posted: 10 Jul 2016 16:52
by Thirith
What's the easiest/quickest/best way to get videos and subtitle files (*.srt) onto an iPad to play them with VLC for iOS?

Re: Folders and subtitle files

Posted: 17 Aug 2016 20:04
by gnilcycer

I found this 6 year old feature request for folder support in iOS VLC: with no responses. Please let's not wait another 6 years! :shock:

Re: Folders and subtitle files

Posted: 17 Aug 2016 23:17
by dfuhrmann
What's the easiest/quickest/best way to get videos and subtitle files (*.srt) onto an iPad to play them with VLC for iOS?
You have multiple ways to add videos. Just put a correctly names srt file (same name as movie) besides, and VLC will automatically load that file.