1. Deleting from within the VLC app doesn't work
I long-press the video. I chose "Delete". It asks me "Delete Selection - Confirm the deletion of the selection". I tap "Delete". Nothing happens. The video remains where it was. Sometimes it disappears for a few seconds but re-appears later. One time the App crashed.
2. Deleting from the Files app doesn't work
I navigate into the VLC folder from the Files app. I long-press the video. I chose "Delete". It says:
3. Deleting from Settings -> iPad Storage doesn't work"[my video].mp4" couldn't be moved because you don't have permission to access ".Trash". You don't have permission
I tap on VLC. I scroll to Documents. I swipe on the video to reveal the Delete button. I tap it. Nothing happens.
Am I doing something wrong? Anything else I can try?
iPad SN is MNXF3FD/A
iOS is Version 16.3 (20D47)
VLC for iOS is Version 3.3.12 (447)