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VLC nolonger playes YT links

Posted: 10 Jul 2023 18:48
by Baer4
Just Happened within the last hour . Was watching a Live stream with VLC when the video froze. Restarted VLC and now getting a unable to connect error. Updated to latest version of VLC and still no joy. VLC does the same on two other computers :(

Re: VLC nolonger playes YT links

Posted: 11 Jul 2023 10:44
by Lotesdelere

Re: VLC nolonger playes YT links

Posted: 11 Jul 2023 19:30
by Baer4
The .lua file on Github is 5 mouths old , which is when this same issue happened with YT

Re: VLC nolonger playes YT links

Posted: 11 Jul 2023 20:03
by Baer4
Problem fixed

clean uninstalled VLC


redownloaded the .lua file

renamed and dropped into playlist folder

restarted VLC

Re: VLC nolonger playes YT links

Posted: 09 Aug 2023 16:52
by GCrumbley
Now I'm running into this problem. I was able to stream videos last month, but now can't. I've done all the .lua/codec/disable cookies/ setting, but still getting an error. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. Even tried 3.0.8 32bit version . . . no luck.

Any new ideas ?? ? ? ? ? ?

Re: VLC nolonger playes YT links

Posted: 10 Aug 2023 11:17
by Lotesdelere
I gave a link two posts above yours...
If it still doesn't work then there is nothing else to do than waiting for an update of the LUA script.

Re: VLC nolonger playes YT links

Posted: 10 Aug 2023 19:11
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont