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why doesn't it remember window size?

Posted: 26 Dec 2005 08:25
by molitar
Ok I have used mediaplayer classic for years but lately it doesn't play correctly, ect. Tons of issues so looking for something with same similar look and feel I hate all the fancy skins and skinning of various windows.. So I found VideoLan but I can't figure out how to make this program remember the screen size I have stretched or maxed it out too and it always starts out small in the upper area of the screen. That is stupid not to have a method to remember screen size and position but yet I am not able to find that information at all.

Posted: 26 Dec 2005 10:35
by bkm
In the same boat... just want to save last screen position & skin yet no "VLC expert" wants to chime in and answer our questions. See my post: viewtopic.php?t=15321 I posted just a few days ago asking the same thing.

I use Zoom Player for everything inc DVD but sometimes you acquire a file that directshow filters can't handle and VLC does so it would be nice to have a nicely set up VLC for those rare instances. But honestly, while VLC may play certain files, the app is not user friendly whatsoever (and neither is this forum... what's with the code just to post a question. Sheesh...)

Posted: 26 Dec 2005 17:08
by mdi
open player preferences and enable "advanced options". in the "general video settings" there´s a section called "window properties". here you can adjust:

- video width
- video height

default is -1. with this option vlc resizes its video window to the video size automatically. if you specify any size (in pixel) vlc will always resize the video window to that size.

- video x coordinate
- video y coordinate

here you can specify a location on your screen (in pixel). the coordinates enforce the position of the top left corner of your video window.

don´t know if these settings have any effect to the "embedded video" option, but if you use a separate video window (with or without skin) they definetly work. there are some other pretty nice settings availiable...give them a try.

after setting your preferences you have to click "save" and restart vlc media player for the changes to take effect!

the skin issue:

go to preferences > interface > general. the first setting in this section is called "interface module". there you can select the "skinnable interface". save your settings and restart vlc media player. it will start with the skins2 interface. always. once started with the skinnable interface select your preferred skin (select skin > open skin...) and restart again.

in the preferences you can also set the path to your skin manually:

preference > interface > general > skins. the first setting there is called "last skin used". there you can type the complete path to your skin file.

another advice is to edit your shortcut to vlc media player: in your start menu right-click on your shortcut and edit the "target" location under "shortcut" tab as follows (with quotes!):

"your path to vlc media player ... \vlc.exe" -intf=skins2

after setting any preferences it´s always a good idea to restart vlc media player. for me that always works.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005 04:26
by molitar
Guess I must be blind because I see nothing like what you stated in the preferences at all.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005 05:10
by bkm
That's the help I needed, thanks for taking the time. I really appreciate it!