compiler VLC 0.8.6 sur OS X 10.4.x Intel/PPc

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compiler VLC 0.8.6 sur OS X 10.4.x Intel/PPc

Postby xzu » 30 Dec 2006 21:21

j'ai téléchargé les sources de la dernière version de VLC avec les instructions ici :

j'obtiens une foule d'erreur malgré un xCode parfaitement installé, sans Fink.

après le premier ./bootstrap, j'ai une erreur :

+ echo 'You do not have a subversion client installed.'

alors que j'installe depuis la source :eek:

-> là vous me dites, faut pas mettre ./bootstrap, ben oui mais ça marche pas sans ça :
dans /source/extras/contrib, si je tape

Code: Select all

make src
il me renvoie :
no such file or directory
je continue malgré tout

Code: Select all

make src
j'obtiens :
configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
See `config.log' for more details.
configure: error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for autoconf-lib-link
make[1]: *** [.intl] Error 1
make: *** [src] Error 2
-> je ne trouve pas ce fameux config.log

je continue :
si je reviens à la racine ./configure
j'obtiens à nouveau
no such file or directory
je fais donc à nouveau "bootstrap"

là rien de spécial
je lance donc le configure pour osx

Code: Select all

./configure --enable-debug --disable-x11 --disable-xvideo --disable-glx --disable-gtk --enable-sdl --enable-mad --enable-libdvbpsi --enable-a52 --disable-dvdplay --enable-dvdnav --enable-dvdread --enable-ffmpeg --enable-faad --enable-flac --enable-vorbis --enable-speex --enable-theora --enable-ogg --disable-shout --enable-cddb --disable-cddax --disable-vcdx --disable-mozilla --disable-skins --disable-skins2 --disable-wxwidgets --enable-freetype --enable-fribidi --enable-caca --enable-live555 --enable-dts --disable-goom --enable-modplug --enable-daap --enable-ncurses --enable-libtwolame --enable-x264 --enable-png --enable-realrtsp --disable-libtool
et j'obtiens :
configure: error: cannot find libdvdread headers
-> étrange puisque un des arguments de la config c'est d'activer cette lib ... ça commence à faire beaucoup me direz-vous ? ben non ce n'est pas fini :

- je continue et je tape

Code: Select all

et j'ai bien sur une erreur exotique :
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
logique, le makefile n'a pas été achevé à l'étape d'avant.

donc vouala j'en suis là. j'en suis même à me demander si la procédure de la page sur l'install OSX a réellement été testée en live

Tests effectués sur :
Mac OS X 10.4.8 Mac Book Intel et PowerMac PPC
environnement XCode associé, sans Fink
Last edited by xzu on 02 Jan 2007 03:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby xzu » 02 Jan 2007 02:46

bonjour et bonne année :)

je fais remonter un peu le thread

depuis j'ai installé un client svn, et même avec une subversion téléchargée sur les pages de videolan, la compilation est blindée d'erreurs.
et ça commence là :

depuis svn:// VideoLAN Client;

répertoire /vlc/tags/0.8.6

phase cd extras/contrib + ./bootstrap+make src
erreur :
configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
See `config.log' for more details.
configure: error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for autoconf-lib-link
make[1]: *** [.intl] Error 1
make: *** [src] Error 2
une idée ou deux ? merci pour votre aide

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Postby krmathis » 02 Jan 2007 20:25

You might get more help if you used the english language.
Cause very few people around here speak french! :wink:

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Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 03 Jan 2007 14:37

Yes. Ask here or on vlc-devel.
But you should definitevely start with a ./bootstrap in extras/contrib and do a make.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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Postby xzu » 04 Jan 2007 02:46

ok sorry everyone, I'm translating the all story :

I've downloaded the sources of VLC 0.8.6 from the website and followed the instruction to compile (built) VLC both on my mac intel and my mac PPC :

the link I followed :

I get a bunch of errors and connot built the app. I must add, I do not have fink installed, only latest tiger 10.4.8 with xcode that goes with original install.

- After the first step ./bootstrap, I got the following error :

+ echo 'You do not have a subversion client installed.'

- because I was downloading from the source I though not to use ./bootstrap, but nothing works if I don't use it.

Anyway, I keep going ... so after ./bootstrap in extra/contrib, I try :

Code: Select all

make src

the error pops again
configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
See `config.log' for more details.
configure: error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for autoconf-lib-link
make[1]: *** [.intl] Error 1
make: *** [src] Error 2
- then I go back to top level of the source and try ./bootstrap and then sends the configure command line :

Code: Select all

./configure --enable-debug --disable-x11 --disable-xvideo --disable-glx --disable-gtk --enable-sdl --enable-mad --enable-libdvbpsi --enable-a52 --disable-dvdplay --enable-dvdnav --enable-dvdread --enable-ffmpeg --enable-faad --enable-flac --enable-vorbis --enable-speex --enable-theora --enable-ogg --disable-shout --enable-cddb --disable-cddax --disable-vcdx --disable-mozilla --disable-skins --disable-skins2 --disable-wxwidgets --enable-freetype --enable-fribidi --enable-caca --enable-live555 --enable-dts --disable-goom --enable-modplug --enable-daap --enable-ncurses --enable-libtwolame --enable-x264 --enable-png --enable-realrtsp --disable-libtool
the error is :
configure: error: cannot find libdvdread headers
this is the sum up of my first post.
now I've come to the idea I HAD TO install a svn client and get the sources right from the subversion of videolan.

I retrieved sources from the svn:// VideoLAN Client;

then in directory /vlc/tags/0.8.6/extras/contrib
I start again with ./bootstrap : no error because I now have the svn client :)
and then, the "make src"

and the error pops :
configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
See `config.log' for more details.
configure: error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for autoconf-lib-link
make[1]: *** [.intl] Error 1
make: *** [src] Error 2
Now I'm stuck here and I really don't get the point where I failed.
I must say I have on brand new mac book intel wih new system and all xcode newly installed : no exotic lib or app was installed. My PPC mac is a G5 dual 2Ghz with tiger updated and xcode, without fink. both mac sends me same errors and I cannot achieve built of VLC client. And I really want to succed in that. So what am I missing ? do I have to change ./bootstrap arguments ?
and most of all, did anyone succeded in building VLC 0.8.6 on a mac with tiger and folowing the instruction on videolan how to build VLC 0.8.6. on Mac OS X ?
in advance thx a lot for your help

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Postby krmathis » 04 Jan 2007 21:41

- After the first step ./bootstrap, I got the following error :

+ echo 'You do not have a subversion client installed.'
I suggest you install subversion and try again.
Ok, I though subversion was a requirement if you pulled the source from it and not when you download the source tarball. But it should not hurt to try...

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Postby xzu » 04 Jan 2007 22:51

@ krmathis
I did install it and wrote about it at second part of my thread :
now I've come to the idea I HAD TO install a svn client and get the sources right from the subversion of videolan.

I retrieved sources from the svn:// VideoLAN Client;

then in directory /vlc/tags/0.8.6/extras/contrib
I start again with ./bootstrap : no error because I now have the svn client
and then, the "make src"

and the error pops :

configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
See `config.log' for more details.
configure: error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for autoconf-lib-link
make[1]: *** [.intl] Error 1
make: *** [src] Error 2

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Postby krmathis » 05 Jan 2007 19:20

@ krmathis
I did install it and wrote about it at second part of my thread :
Sorry, I missed that part.

I successfully built VLC 0.8.6 (tarball) on Max OS 10.4.8/PPC using Xcode Tools 2.4.1. So it can be done.
Don't think I can help you any further..

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Postby xzu » 06 Jan 2007 11:20

well your answer is one step for me, and is supportive :)

1°) would you say that you followed exactly the instruction given on the how to page ?

2°) do you have any extra lib/app to install prior to vlc building ?
thanks for your answers

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Postby krmathis » 06 Jan 2007 13:52

Yes, I followed the "Compile VLC on Mac OS X" instructions.
I don't have 10.3.9 SDK, so I patch the config.mak to use 10.4u SDK. But other than that I followed the instructions straight forward.

Been building VLC for moe than a year, and have had no build problems (except when the source is broken).

By the way, have you checked the 'config.log' as the error message suggest?
It might give you more information on why its failing.

Edit: No nothing extraordinary on my side.
For 0.8.6 I downloaded and unpacked the tarball, then followed the instructions.

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Postby xzu » 07 Jan 2007 03:06

- about that SDK version issue, I know I'm like a newbie on this, but I have to ask you the silly question ;)
could you sum'up the process to patch that config.mak (that I don't find in the vlc tar file), so where it is and how to? maybe a link to a thread on how to set SDK to 10.4.... because I guess I'm not using SDK 10.3.9 building with Tiger 10.4.8 ? I must admit I'm really new to these building stuff, so sorry for my poor level, in fact I don't know what is my SDK, and what it is for (my words I'm going to search right after posting this)

- about the config.log file, I don't see it anywhere, nor in, or in vlc source folder

thx for your answers and patience

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Postby krmathis » 07 Jan 2007 10:33

Lets see.
First run './bootstrap' in the extras/contrib/ directory. Then open config.mak in the same directory, and change the "MACOSX_SDK =" line to 10.4u SDK.

Not sure which SDK installs as default with Xcode Tools 2.4.1. So perhaps you should take a look in the /Developer/SDKs and see which SDK you have installed.

SDK = Software Development Kit

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Postby xzu » 07 Jan 2007 12:36

ok now I've come to a new thing : update to latest xcode just like you : 2.4.1

the first /bootstrap returns "
./bootstrap: you need automake version 1.7 or later
so I know I need to get something more, and the basic install do not provide tools for building VLC, at least for me.
so here I'm stuck again, I don't know what to do to update that automake to 1.7.x
and because ./bootstrap don't work at all this time, I can't make any "make src" of corse

about the SDK : both folders are in /developper/SDKs =
- MacOS10.3.9sdk and MacOSX10.4u.sdk
but I don't wich one is being used

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Postby krmathis » 07 Jan 2007 12:57

Well, this is not easy.
Since you have now updated your Xcode Tools I recommend that you start with a fresh source tree.

If that don't make a difference, I suggest you ask on vlc-devel (as mentioned by 'j-b').

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Postby xzu » 08 Jan 2007 00:06

I recommend that you start with a fresh source tree.
you mean download the vlc tar from site again ? or do I have to re-format + install my system again ?

something I don't get is why VLC is so difficult to build while it seams so obvious to make for everyone, including you : in fact I never trick the system with some third party libs. I use system OS X10.4.8 only with tools included and libs pre-installed. Xcode was updated according to apple's notice into version 2.4.1. + everything happpens the same on 3 of my Macintosh (1 G4 / 1 G5 / 1 MacBook). I follow the exact instructions given on the VLC how to pages, and on my 3 macs, I have exactly same result.

I don't know how to ask the vlc-devel mailing-list, I would like to get links to the prerequisites prior to vlc build : that automake, the sdk.. I mean this should not be so difficult as you said.

thanx again for your answers

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Postby krmathis » 08 Jan 2007 21:46

I recommend that you start with a fresh source tree.
you mean download the vlc tar from site again ? or do I have to re-format + install my system again ?
First delete your current VLC source directory. Then untar the source code, to make a fresh one (download if needed).
Don't touch your Mac OS X or Xcode installation at all.

I suggest this because you have already started the process with a different Xcode Tools version, and you are much better of starting with a fresh tree. To eliminate problems related to different application versions.
something I don't get is why VLC is so difficult to build while it seams so obvious to make for everyone, including you : in fact I never trick the system with some third party libs. I use system OS X10.4.8 only with tools included and libs pre-installed. Xcode was updated according to apple's notice into version 2.4.1. + everything happpens the same on 3 of my Macintosh (1 G4 / 1 G5 / 1 MacBook). I follow the exact instructions given on the VLC how to pages, and on my 3 macs, I have exactly same result.
Its not hard, but its certainly not the easiest one to build. It does not build through Xcode, and a regular "./configure && make" is not enough either.

Following instructions should be enough. But when/if you get problems its a bit hard to understand if you have no compiling experience.
I don't know how to ask the vlc-devel mailing-list, I would like to get links to the prerequisites prior to vlc build : that automake, the sdk.. I mean this should not be so difficult as you said.
Read this:
There you reach the developers, and more experienced builders than me.

Hope you get it running! :D

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