Workaround "No audio with h264-IPTV", Feat.Req.

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 6
Joined: 19 Jan 2007 19:57

Workaround "No audio with h264-IPTV", Feat.Req.

Postby RasGer » 20 Jan 2007 07:48

I have a workauround for everybody having the problem, that there is no audio when watching iptv via UDP/Multicast (h264).

You just have to start 2 instances of vlc. The 1st instance of vlc receives the iptv-stream, encapsultes it as "MPEG_TS" and restreams it to a 2nd instance of vlc for watching. Now the audio is played normally.

Now Step-by-Step:

1. Start 1st instance of vlc
2. File->Open Networkstream->Insert at UDP IP & Port of IPTV-Station
3. Select Checkbox Stream/Save and click Properties-Button
4. Select checkbox UDP and insert "localhost" & "10000" as adress & port
5. Select radiobutton MPEG TS
6. OK, OK

7. Start 2nd instance of vlc
8. File->Open Networkstream->Insert at UDP adress & port ("localhost" & "10000")
9. OK

Enjoy. The 2nd VLC-instance now plays the IPTV with audio fine!

For fast channel changing in the 1st VLC-Instance I made a playlist (*.m3u-file) for german "Deutsche Telekom"-IPTV via VDSL and preconfigured with 2 channels:


Here's my feature request: Please make it configurable to encapsultate UDP/Multicast-Streams as MPEG TS before decoding for output. Maybe a checkbox beside File->Open Networkstream->Insert at UDP adress & port or at best in the Preferences of UDP??? So the 2nd VLC-instance would be unnecessary.


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