VLC IGMP v3 Support

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VLC IGMP v3 Support

Postby jsdeprey » 06 Jan 2010 22:52

Hello, I searched for this answer on this forum but it seems like no one has answered this.
I understand that IGMP is actually a function of the IP stack and is controlled by the OS or in my case the version of Windows I am running, but I am curious how you can tell VLC what the source IP address is for the multicast group address? Since IGMP v3 has to have a source address as well as a multicast group address to send a v3 join request.
Is this something you have to do via command line (which I never have used) ?
If so, is there any reason why a simple SOURCE: field under the "Open Network Stream" area of the GUI has not been added? The main VLC website does list IGMP V3 as a current feature.
I use lots of video equipment at my job, and 100% of the devices (RGB, Tandberg, etc) that support IGMP v3 joins all have a Group and Source field on the GUI, so that is what I was expecting.

Any help would be much appreciated.

New Cone
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Re: VLC IGMP v3 Support

Postby jsdeprey » 08 Jan 2010 05:47

Buller... Buller... Buller...

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Re: VLC IGMP v3 Support

Postby alok » 12 Apr 2010 03:52

MLDv2 has the same issue.
Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: VLC IGMP v3 Support

Postby VideoJabber » 21 Mar 2011 21:56

I don't know if you already found the answer you are looking for... however, you can find below the syntax for the IGMP v3 join:


-PCL is the protocol used (e.g. "udp" or "rtp")
-SourceAddress is the source for the Multicast (e.g. "")
-MulticastGroup is the group to be joined (e.g. "")
-PortNumber is the port used (e.g. "3001")

The final string for a specific multicast stream using UDP on port 2000 would be:


Depending on the version of VLC you are running, you'll have in the GUI a single text box to declare the address with the syntax described (v.1.1.7)
or a three-boxes string (older versions): in the older versions, ignore the protocol box and the PortNumber box and declare the address with the previously explained syntax in the central box (multicast group).

:!: If you can still join the stream, even after removing the source from the address string, then your system is not using IGMPv3. :!:

I hope this may help. :wink:

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