How does VLS support wmv files

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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How does VLS support wmv files

Postby streamingqueen » 06 Nov 2007 20:23

I am new to this technology and I am trying to explore it for our needs in streaming solution. Our department supports live and on demand streaming for the university and we have a windows 2003 server which is our media storage and streaming server. We have been facing the question to support quictime for streaming but it has been always a big question which streaming solution to go for. There is one called Helix server , a very expensive one. Even though it can support all major formats we cannot afford it. When I was reading about VLS, it sounds like it could be a solution to support both windows and media. I am looking for more information about VLS and how I can use this with our exisiting windows 2003 server (standard edition). we use windows media encoder 9 for encoding and archving. Please help. Thanks.

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Re: How does VLS support wmv files

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 Nov 2007 20:24

no. use VLC for streaming.
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Re: How does VLS support wmv files

Postby streamingqueen » 06 Nov 2007 20:33

Can you please advise some link for VLC streaming? I mean how to setup and admin information.

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Re: How does VLS support wmv files

Postby Chain-Lin » 30 Nov 2007 18:12

Hello, every, what is the difference in VLC and VLS. Just like one is client side and other is server side. But there real difference is what, can anybody explain it. Thanks a lot.

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Re: How does VLS support wmv files

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Nov 2007 19:45

Hello, every, what is the difference in VLC and VLS. Just like one is client side and other is server side. But there real difference is what, can anybody explain it. Thanks a lot.
No VLC media player is a server and a client.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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Re: How does VLS support wmv files

Postby Chain-Lin » 01 Dec 2007 17:22

OK, thanks, I am looking at the documents about VLC and VLS. VLC can used as server stream output, initially it is client. but VLS is only used as server.

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