AMR support

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AMR support

Postby PJ2005 » 15 Feb 2006 15:28

Hi all,

I need to stream real audio in AMR format, but VLC palyer did not support AMR audio :((
I tried to compile VLC with ffmpeg and AMR with no success.

Im prepared to payl to whoever can build me a Windows version of VLC that supports AMR streaming with the latest VLC stable source.

It must also support MP4, H.263 and RTSP streaming.

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Re: AMR support

Postby DJ » 15 Feb 2006 23:36

Hi all,

I need to stream real audio in AMR format, but VLC palyer did not support AMR audio :((
I tried to compile VLC with ffmpeg and AMR with no success.

Im prepared to payl to whoever can build me a Windows version of VLC that supports AMR streaming with the latest VLC stable source.

It must also support MP4, H.263 and RTSP streaming.

Wait Your answers

Thank You.
Considering AMR is not open source it is highly doubtful that you are going to find some one incorporating it into VLC. This is why VLC does not support it.


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Postby dionoea » 16 Feb 2006 17:55

You can compile ffmpeg yourself with amr support (which uses the reference decoder). I don't know of anysuch builds available online but it is possible.
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby DJ » 16 Feb 2006 21:26

You can compile ffmpeg yourself with amr support (which uses the reference decoder). I don't know of anysuch builds available online but it is possible.
Wow! I have been getting some bad information!

If ffmpeg supports AMR why dosn't VLC?

Thank You!

I will remember this. You are a very kind person.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 17 Feb 2006 15:56

Because the reference decoder isn't GPL compatible, so creating a GPL applications with those sources included isn't possible.
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