I've been trying to play a couple of Blu-ray Discs I bought but I cannot get them to play via VLC. I'm a bit lost.
The error message I've gotten for both discs is:
> Your input can't be opened:
> VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///I:\'. Check the log for details.
I checked the log with debug and got this:
main debug: processing request item: dvd://, node: Playlist, skip: 0
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 3 items, index 2
main debug: starting playback of new item
main debug: resyncing on dvd://
main debug: dvd:// is at 2
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for 'dvd://'
main debug: requesting art for new input thread
main debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
main debug: using timeshift path: C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Temp
main debug: `dvd:///I:\' gives access `dvd' demux `any' path `/I:\'
main debug: creating demux: access='dvd' demux='any' location='/I:\' file='I:\'
main debug: looking for access_demux module matching "dvd": 15 candidates
main debug: looking for meta fetcher module matching "any": 1 candidates
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\fetcher
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher
main debug: no meta fetcher modules matched
main debug: looking for art finder module matching "any": 2 candidates
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\art
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\00_musicbrainz.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\00_musicbrainz.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01_googleimage.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01_googleimage.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\02_frenchtv.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\02_frenchtv.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\03_lastfm.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\03_lastfm.luac
main debug: no art finder modules matched
qt debug: IM: Setting an input
dvdnav error: DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
dvdnav warning: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
dvdnav error: vm: vm: failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO
dvdnav warning: cannot open DVD (I:)
dvdread error: DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
dvdread error: DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
dvdread warning: cannot open VMG info
main debug: no access_demux modules matched
main debug: creating access: dvd:///I:\
main debug: (path: I:\)
main debug: looking for access module matching "dvd": 27 candidates
main debug: no access modules matched
main debug: dead input
main debug: changing item without a request (current 2/3)
main debug: nothing to play
qt debug: IM: Deleting the input
I've tried looking into the files on the Blu-ray disc and I cannot find any files (system files included) that even mention any .IFO files.
I'm trying the instructions found here: https://vlc-bluray.whoknowsmy.name/
But it leads to pages that have instructions upon instructions, downloads upon downloads, and not even secure downloads. I'm worried I'm being thrown through a loop.
So the questions I have are:
> Is this the right path to play a Blu-ray disc?
> Can anyone condense the instructions, if this is the right path? There are 4 sets of instructions, one on the whoknowsmyname website, one on the bplaced website the whoknowsmyname links to, and two on the Doom9 sites the bplaced site links to. I don't know which one to follow exactly, probably the one on the bplaced website. There is a lot of duplicate information, undefined terms, and extraneous links; all ranging from 7 years ago to 5 months ago (or even daily from the bplaced statistics).
I'll try what I can, but any help would be appreciated