nOOb help - Convert .AVI to format playable on viPod

macOS specific usage questions

nOOb help - Convert .AVI to format playable on viPod

Postby tempozero » 12 Jan 2006 19:00

Hello, I'm a beginner here and was hoping to get some advice. I've got some .avi files that I'd like to transfer to my video iPod. They play fine in the VLC player. I'v tried a bunch of different export to file settings but none of the output files will open in QT (7pro osX).

Has anyone done this successfully and can you give me some tips?

Thanks a lot.

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Postby fkuehne » 12 Jan 2006 19:34

You can convert your files using the streaming / transcoding wizard. You should use H.264 as video codec, mp4a as audio codec and MPEG4 / MOV as encapsulation format.

In case that your files are not in the correct size (320 * 240 pixels), you need to set the maximum dimensions in Stream Output -> Sout stream -> Transcode (inside VLC's preferences) first. Note that you need to check the advanced-flag at the bottom of the window to see the respective options.

In case if this is a bit over the top for you, I can recommend ffmpegX. It is a bit more user-friendly regarding the resize of input files.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.


How to convert .flv files?

Postby Guest » 29 Jul 2006 15:03

I was wondering if VLP can be used to transcode from flash to mpeg or wmv or any other format/

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Postby fkuehne » 31 Jul 2006 00:45

Nope, because VLC doesn't play Flash and therefore can't transcode it. Try iSquint.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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If you watch these movies on a tv it'll be blurry, unless:

Postby 1340mike398 » 19 Aug 2006 06:40


1st, Settings for widescreen movies:

1.)First, open VLC Player.
2.)goto Settings>Preferences...
3.)goto bottom right hand corner of screen & check advanced options tab.
4.)then click on the plus sign next to Stream Ouput
5.)then click on the plus sign next to Sout stream
6.)click on Transcode
7.)go down to Video width and enter 588
8.)go down to Video height and enter 240
9.)Click on the SAVE button and close window.
10.)goto File>Open File..>click on browse and find your movie.
11.)Then go down to Advanced options & check Stream/Save>then click on the Settings.. button.
12.)In the stream output window check File in the Outputs section.
13.)Click on Browse and find a place to put your new file for ipod and call it something.MP4
14.)Then go down to Encapsulation Method and click on MP4
15.)Then go down to Transcoding Options and check Video codec>then select mp4v>then Bitrate>select 3072(this is what gives the picture clairity)>then goto Scale>select .5>then check Audio codec>select mp4a>select Bitrate of 128>and make sure channels are set to 2.
16.)click ok
17.)click ok
18.)now just wait until the new file is done.
19.)add the new file into itunes.
20.)hook up video ipod and update.

Different setting are needed if you have dowload a TV program to watch on your tv. Don't be afraid to email me if you need those or have any questions.

In case that your files are not in the correct size (588 * 240 pixels-for Widescreen Movies), you need to set the dimensions in Stream Output -> Sout stream -> Transcode (inside VLC's preferences) first. Note that you need to check the advanced-flag at the bottom of the window to see the respective options.
If you have downloaded a

In case if this is a bit over the top for you, I can recommend ffmpegX. It is a bit more user-friendly regarding the resize of input files.[/quote]

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Postby Jack_Tailor » 29 Aug 2006 21:06

Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me with taking a music video link and converting it to an mp3?

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Postby mirrorchild » 02 Sep 2006 15:15

You can convert your files using the streaming / transcoding wizard. You should use H.264 as video codec, mp4a as audio codec and MPEG4 / MOV as encapsulation format.

In case that your files are not in the correct size (320 * 240 pixels), you need to set the maximum dimensions in Stream Output -> Sout stream -> Transcode (inside VLC's preferences) first. Note that you need to check the advanced-flag at the bottom of the window to see the respective options.
Whenever I tried to do the above highlighted in bold, I never see options appear when I select Sout Stream. The panel on the right is just totally blank. This is even when I enabled the advanced-flag.

Can anyone help? Do I have to re-install VLC?

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Postby fkuehne » 03 Sep 2006 23:27

You can actually need to expand the "sout stream" node with the triangle on the left as well, to get the Transcode-entry. Enabling the Advanced-flag at the bottom is still necessary to see the options you're looking for.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Postby mirrorchild » 04 Sep 2006 02:19

You can actually need to expand the "sout stream" node with the triangle on the left as well, to get the Transcode-entry. Enabling the Advanced-flag at the bottom is still necessary to see the options you're looking for.
I see. I don't know why I missed that before. Thanks for the help.

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Postby forkart » 29 Sep 2006 12:03

You can use yasa ipod video converter to convert avi to ipod with its default setting. It works perfectly .

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Postby yogibayer » 15 Oct 2006 19:45

I recently wanted to take a portion out of a downloaded AVI movie and was able to do it using the following process

First I needed 3GP software from this site - ... i_iPod.htm

1) I opened the file and got to the point I wanted to start my new file from and bookmarked that spot using Settings-->Bookmarks and pressed the Add button in the bookmarks window.

2) I then advanced to the ending point of my new file and bookmarked that spot using the Add button again.

3) Select both of your bookmarks now using the CTL key and press the extract button in the bookmarks window.

4) Check the Transcode/Save to file checkbox and click NEXT

5) Next Button

6) Next button

7) On the encapsulation format screen click on ASF and click NEXT

8) type the NAME of YOUR FILE.ASF and click FINISH

9) Launch the 3GP program and drag your new file into it's window

Your IPOD will now have the new video on your IPOD.

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Postby kelman4 » 20 Oct 2006 23:29

I had no idea VLC could do this. I'm impressed.
I was going to convert from Avi to Mov with MPEG Streamclip and let iTunes do the conversion.

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