Postby LinuxGuy123 » 04 Sep 2018 07:27
Here is the Avahi-discover (from avahi-ui-tools) output on the computer that vlc can cast from:
Service Type: _googlecast._tcp
Service Name: Chromecast-0205575adb00629fe313b0928fbc88f7
Domain Name: local
Interface: wlp3s0 IPv4
Address: 0205575a-db00-629f-e313-b0928fbc88f7.local/
TXT md = Chromecast
TXT ve = 05
TXT rs =
TXT ca = 4101
TXT nf = 1
TXT st = 0
TXT bs = FA8FCA89C307
TXT rm = 05FB34A9A20FF82B
TXT ic = /setup/icon.png
TXT cd = 1281F9F24B4A6EDE4BEBDFDD5752D2F8
TXT id = 0205575adb00629fe313b0928fbc88f7
TXT fn = Living Room TV
Here is the output from the computer that doesn't cast:
Service Type: _googlecast._tcp
Service Name: Chromecast-0205575adb00629fe313b0928fbc88f7
Domain Name: local
Interface: wlp2s0 IPv4
Address: 0205575a-db00-629f-e313-b0928fbc88f7.local/
TXT md = Chromecast
TXT ve = 05
TXT rs =
TXT ca = 4101
TXT nf = 1
TXT st = 0
TXT bs = FA8FCA89C307
TXT rm = 05FB34A9A20FF82B
TXT ic = /setup/icon.png
TXT cd = 1281F9F24B4A6EDE4BEBDFDD5752D2F8
TXT id = 0205575adb00629fe313b0928fbc88f7
TXT fn = Living Room TV
They appear identical to me.
Chromecast isn't the only service available on my network. Why does the VLC that works display the "mDNS Network Discovery" service and the one that doesn't, doesn't display it ??
If avahi now finds Chromecast devices, shouldn't VLC be using avahi instead of mDNS ?