VLC 3.0.3 - Boss key issue when in full screen

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VLC 3.0.3 - Boss key issue when in full screen

Postby pl1957 » 01 Sep 2018 13:04

Dear all,

I've an issue with the boss key.
When in full screen mode, hitting it causes the video pause and turns in non-fullscreen mode instead of hiding the window, like version 2 did.
Hitting the boss key when not in fullscreen works perfectly.
This means that I have to hit the key twice in order to have the window hidden.

VLC 3.0.3 Vetinari.
Xubuntu 16.04 and Xubuntu 18.04 (same issue with both version).

In Xubuntu 16.04 VLC has been installed via PPA (ppa.launchpad.net/jonathonf/vlc-3/ubuntu), not via snap.
In Xubuntu 18.04 VLC has been installed via the Ubuntu official PPA.

Note that I use VLC with another PC running Win10 and there I haven't this issue. Therefore I think it's a OS compatibility problem.

Thanks in advance.

pl1957, from Italy

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC 3.0.3 - Boss key issue when in full screen

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Sep 2018 21:00

That is a bug. Please register it on https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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