Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

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Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby kona » 30 May 2018 00:46


I had been using quite happily 3.0.0 which was the first version to support high-DPI / scaling, and it was working fine. Then I upgraded to 3.0.1 and now 3.0.2, and the buttons have become tiny again.

Is there any way to solve this? I haven't found anything in the settings...

Should I raise a bug report?

many thanks!

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby chubinou » 30 May 2018 10:29


Default behavior for High DPI has changed meanwhile, the framework we use for the interface doesn't handle properly fractional scaling, esp. 150%, We had many complains about huge button at 150% so we modify the behavior to prefer smaller button. There isn't much we can do about.
You might be able to change the behavior through environment variable (you may try to set QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 and QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=2)

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby kona » 31 May 2018 00:25

Thank you very much, it looks much better now!

If I understand correctly, you don't want to make this 2 scale factor that I am now using the default because then a lot more people would complain.
Perhaps you could add it as an option in the settings instead? Anyway, I am happy now, just thinking in case there are others with a similar display as me.

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby eera5607 » 01 Jul 2018 02:40

Hi! Can you please tell me how you set those environmental variables? Do I have to add them to a VLC config file? I also have problems with super small controls. Thanks!

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby eera5607 » 21 Jul 2018 06:46

Thank you! It worked.

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby stockjunior » 03 Apr 2019 19:54

Works great thanks a lot. Using Windows 10. Just did WinKey+S, searched for "Environment variables" and went from there, creating just QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=2 .

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby pidalin » 24 Apr 2019 23:29

This solution causing deformed GUI on my 43" TV and on my 4K 32" display it's not ideal too. I installed 3.0.0. back - it working perfect with scaling. I don't understand that answer from creators, it working well with scaling even without scaling. Yes, buttons are bigger on classic FHD screen but it's not too bad. Watch radeon GPU drivers, one button is 3x3 cm so don't think your buttons are too big for conservative users. :-) But it's 2019 - many people have 4K displays and without usefull scaling VLC player will die.

PS: It saying my IP adress ( is blocked because it's on some spam list, I am writing thru my mobile connection, is there any reason for blocking this IP adress?

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby SerpentrasD » 01 Jul 2019 21:38

Where ist the TXT file or whatever file? I cant search for Environment variables because German OS I guess?

It is really to tiny on 4k Monitors. How can this be that VLC still got problems with scaling? I dont know any software who cant let me do that or just use the Windows default settings what is actually pretty good.

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby pidalin » 24 Feb 2020 16:20

It's 2020 and VLC still can't scale on 4K, I am still stucked on 3.0.0. Why you don't doing something witht that? VLC is nice player, but people will forget about it very fast if you are sleeping. Remember WinAmp, it died in few yeas and WinAmp still have better gui on 4K display than new VLC because in WinAmp there is possibility to increase size of gui. Did you even see how VLC looks on 4K display? That buttons have few milimiters, that's really useless, v 3.0 works perfect. If you can't make good scaling for 4K even for smaller resolutions, than make extra version for 4K and for low res or something like that or you think VLC users are poor and don't have money for 4K? :-D

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby SupermanLoko » 04 Feb 2021 03:10

Having the same problem. Reluctant to change environment variables because I don't want to mess with my other programs and settings

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby blmjr » 05 Dec 2021 22:19

Hi, I'm running VLC v. 3.0.16 Vetinari Windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling. I'm in the same boat as the posters above. The control buttons are so small there is no way I can see them from across the room. I also don't want to change environment variables, as that would affect other programs.

I have gotten around this by mapping my most commonly used controls to the keyboard, but it still is an awkward fix.

The people who make KODI player have been able to solve this problem years ago, so I find myself using KODI more and more.

Is there any progress on this issue? Any timeline for a resolution?

Thanks for an otherwise wonderful program.

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Re: Buttons too small again in 3.0.1/2 (windows 10, 4k display with 150% scaling)

Postby Hitchhiker » 12 Dec 2021 17:36

150% sounds a bit on the low side for a 4K screen. Suggest you use the Custom option which will display a ruler which you can use to increase the setting. I set my own 1080p screen to 134% to resolve the same issue.

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