How to convert Playlist in VLC to folder for use in mp3 play

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E dog

How to convert Playlist in VLC to folder for use in mp3 play

Postby E dog » 19 Oct 2005 19:07

I have a NAPA mp3 player and would like to play the playlists from VLC on it. I just downloaded VLC and haven't used it much. My playlists are in mp3 format.

Thank you for answers! Edog

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 74
Joined: 02 Sep 2005 13:50

Postby brian » 19 Oct 2005 19:46

A playlist is never mp3 format...
mp3 is an audio format...

Anyway, assuming you want to save the playlist so you can open it in another music player or on a portable device you can do the following:

Open vlc...
Add the files you want to the player...
Manage->Save Playlist...
Save as playlist.m3u

Open playlist.m3u in another program to check it worked...

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