Blu-ray Menus

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Blu-ray Menus

Postby Mauser » 15 Apr 2016 15:37

I did a search on the title words and could not find this discussed for Windows, so starting a new thread - my apologies if it has been covered and I just could not find it (seems like it really should have been addressed already).

Anyway, I am running 32 bit VLC 2.2.2 on W7 and W10 machines. I have successfully enabled commercial Blu-ray support, but even though the movies play fine, I do not seem to have access the disc menus. I also create a lot of AVCHD disks with menus (plays on Blu-ray players), and the issue is the same - the movies on the discs play, but I cannot bring up the disc menu to select a specific program. When I open an AVCHD disc with multiple programs, it starts playing the last one, and when I click on the menu button, it just jumps to the start of the first program.

I did find something on the support pages that said this problem had been fixed, but no specifics about it. Is there something special I have to do to access the menus? Do I need to install the 64 bit version of VLC? Thanx for any help.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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VLC version: 2.2.2
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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby Mauser » 15 Apr 2016 18:38

An update - I tried 64 bit VLC - still have the same problem. If I open a disc with menus turned off, the programs play fine, but clicking on the menu button just starts the disc over from the beginning. If I open a disc with menus enabled, nothing will play. in VLC 32, nothing happens at all when I try to open the disc or hit play; in VLC 64, the disk shows up on the play list, but hitting play just causes the thumbnail to flash once and then nothing else happens.

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby Joe1138 » 25 Apr 2016 06:03

I'm having the same problem. I can play commercial blu-ray discs on my Win 8 system, but no menus.

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby truerock » 18 May 2016 01:13

VLC does not support Blu-ray menus. I am guessing... but, I assume that it is because there is not that much interest in the VLC community for Blu-ray menu support. The type of product that entertainment content producers provide in Blu-ray products is not something that the VLC community is that interested in. Movies sold in Blu-ray format are primarily oriented to providing copy protection for the contents and "extras" that might be of interest to price-insensitive consumers.

My personal experience is that I end up with a lot of Blu-ray products as gifts for holidays, birthdays, etc. I usually am not interested in anything other than the primary movie - with subtitles and perhaps the directors commentary the only "extra" features I am interested in. I keep telling everyone to give me iTunes gift cards... but, I inevitably end up with a stack of Blu-ray discs that I really don't want - so I rip them to my PC. Perhaps I represent the core VLC user - again, just guessing.

So, I understand your frustration. But, it would take an extremely large amount of volunteer, unpaid labor to provide what you want - and, apparently that free, volunteer labor is not available to do Blu-ray menus.

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby Lotesdelere » 18 May 2016 20:24

Make sure this option is properly set up:

Tools -> Preferences -> Show settings: ALL
Input codecs -> Access modules -> Blu-ray

Save the preferences, then exit and restart VLC.

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby colinbaker » 10 Nov 2016 01:38

VLC does not yet support Blu-ray menus so you must manually select title to play.
VLC 2.0 or later version supports the Blu-ray playback. However, for legal reasons, AACS and BD+ DRM libraries and keys still are not shipped. That means only Blu-ray disc with AACS libraries exposed are supported.

BTW, if you have problem, cannot play blu-ray with VLC, the follow guide may be helpful for you:

You'll need two files: keys database and AACS dynamic library.

Keys database
UPDATED 21-02-2016! get the file:
Windows: put it in C:\ProgramData\aacs\
Mac OS X: put it in ~/Library/Preferences/aacs/ (create it if it does not exist)
Linux: put it in ~/.config/aacs/
AACS dynamic library
UPDATED 22-02-2016! get that file: ... aacs.dylib
VLC 32 bit on Windows: put that file in your VLC directory
VLC 64 bit on Windows: put that file in your VLC directory
Mac OS X: put that file in ~/lib directory (create it, if it does not exist)
In this way, the blu-ray may playable on vlc. If mac users still have issues, please turn to ... h-vlc.html, Best Way to Rip and Play Encrypted Blu-ray with VLC on Mac.

Finally, allow me to introduce myself to you, i am colin baker, an engineer and marketing supervisor of brorsoft studio, familiar with dvd&bluray ripping, copying and backing up. Any issues pls feel free to seach on google, such as"what is blu-ray brorsoft", or send email to to get your answer.

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby theslaw » 10 Nov 2016 07:05

I just downloaded what you wrote above.

I still get this error message:

Blu-ray error:
This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///D:/'. Check the log for details.
Blu-ray error:
This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///D:/#2'. Check the log for details.

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby WinfridT » 10 Nov 2016 09:18

As long as you using vlc-3.0.0 from and
Passkey Light from and an actual java runtime library is installed
BluRays with menus should work. Be sure that you have installed all products with the same addressing mode.
One remark - I do not know what happens after the trial period of Passkey.
Also you might read but until now none of my commercial BluRays worked with this method.

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby TopDownDriver » 20 Feb 2018 18:37

Can not get to work.

Have Blu Rays which work fine with other software Blu Ray players.

I have installed Java RE 8.1 (32 and 64 bit)

Get error that menus are not supported on all BD ROMs I've tried.

Java required:
This Blu-ray disc requires Java for menus support.Java was not found on your system.
The disc will be played without menus.

Java is installed and confirmed through their browser test. Is there something I am missing?!?

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby candela » 20 Feb 2018 21:49

make sure the environment variable JAVA_HOME points to the correct Java directory , i.e. 64bit java if you use 64bit VLC, 32bit java if you use 32bit VLC

e.g. control panel/system/advanced/environment variables: JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161

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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby TopDownDriver » 21 Feb 2018 14:43

Discovered the Problem...

Older discs will not work with the current version of Java (8) as it will not allow the apps to run (security settings in 8 can not go to Medium anymore).
Older discs (Avengers for example) require version (7) of Java which can be still set to allow the BD-J on the discs to run.

Uninstall Java (8) and install Java (7) - ... 21261.html - and all is fine and working.

Now where do I set the region code in VLC?


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Blu-ray Menus

Postby candela » 21 Feb 2018 18:58

Hmm, this must be disc specific then? I'm paying a Java disc from 2008 without problem using java 8

Region: Tool > Preferences > Show Settings = All > Input / Codecs > Access Modules > Blu-ray

You can search the settings when you select "All" in "Show Settings", just enter "region" and voila

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