VLC can't play .VOB files

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VLC can't play .VOB files

Postby lobbot » 26 Nov 2013 19:43

This is a bit annoying, but I would like to hear if there's a way to solve this.

I've used VLC to play VOB files for years with no problem at all, but yesterday I get a new DVD, whose files cannot be played as always. When playing, the movie moves at a very spaced time, often leaving squares of pixels, like an old and damaged VHS tape. The sound plays regular, but the movie is very crappy. When using DVD player instead, or directly on TV, the movie plays as usual, with no problem at all, so everything suggest is a problem with VLC.

I have the latest version of VLC, and as I said, never before found a file VLC can't play, but this one. Any suggestions?

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC can't play .VOB files

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 09 Dec 2013 17:24

Play the DVD with the open DVD feature.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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