Audio Visualizations

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Audio Visualizations

Postby stynky » 01 Aug 2005 15:35

I have been trying to get visualizations to launch automaticly when I play an audio play list.

I have tried the following commands at the top of the list.

vlc --audio-visual="goom"


vlc --audio-filter="goom"

I have tried with without quotes, I tried scope and and spectrum too.

Any ideas? Is this possible? I did not see anything in the preferences eithier.



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Visualization Answer

Postby stynky » 01 Aug 2005 22:37

I did find it this afternoon in the Preferences, Audio, Visualizations. I had to take it off the default. I am not sure how I missed that. I was probably thinking it was more complicated and missed it.

I apologize for the post.



Postby Guest » 03 Aug 2005 08:08

by the way..

another example for the commandline:

Code: Select all

vlc --audio-visual visualizer --effect-list scope

Big Cone-huna
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Postby zcot » 06 Aug 2005 12:11


Code: Select all

vlc --audio-visual visualizer --effect-list spectrum

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Audio Visualizations

Postby stynky » 07 Aug 2005 08:08

Well I tried adding this command to the playlist and no joy. I am using windows XP and tried using quotes like I read somewhere in the docs as in the following;

vlc --audio-visual="visualizer" --effect-list="spectrum"

Below is what my play list currently looks like.

vlc --audio-visual visualizer --effect-list spectrum
C:\AUDIO\A1\Track 1.wav
C:\AUDIO\A1\Track 2.wav
C:\AUDIO\A1\Track 3.wav

If I set it in the preferences, then when movies play, I get the audio effect displayed when I should see the movie! That is why I want to put the command in the play list if possible.




The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 07 Aug 2005 22:38

C:\AUDIO\A1\Track 1.wav
C:\AUDIO\A1\Track 2.wav
C:\AUDIO\A1\Track 3.wav
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Visualization still not working

Postby stynky » 25 Aug 2005 19:36

I have been on the road and not been on this for a few weeks, so I apologize for the delay.

I modified as above and still not there. I have tried several variations of the command structure.


I also tried putting " " around visualizatin and spectrum, since I am using a windows machine, in all the combimations and still won't launch.

below is what I have

C:\AUDIO\A1\Boston - 04 - Track 4.wav



New Cone
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Messages from VideoLan

Postby stynky » 25 Aug 2005 20:25

I looked at the running log and found this, but I am not sure what it all means, except for the fact that it can't find the modules it needs. Where would they be, and how do you correct this?

main error: no suitable access module for `C:\AUDIO\A1\EXTM3U'
main error: no suitable access module for `EXTVLCOPT:audio-filter=visualizer'
main error: no suitable access module for `EXTVLCOPT:effect-list=spectrum'

Does this provide a glue as to what might be happening?


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