Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

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Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby payneardo » 21 Apr 2012 18:25

Hi, I have looked through a few posts and found things similar but cant seem to get anything to work :(

Here is what I am trying to do.

Run a digital signage system with Live TV embed into it. I have got a live stream working but want to setup a local stream. I have tried using a TV tuner but it is not working and looking at getting a TV capture card and Digital Box so the end user will be able to turn the TV over.

Which TV capture card would be best for this (sorry it has to be USB or PCI-e as my PC does not have any PCI ports) and as cheap as possible :) and is it possible if the computer is restarted to write a batch file or something similar to start back up the stream ?

I have looked at the instructions for stream via a capture card and found many variations of how to do this and mostly pointing at older versions of VLC. Can anybody point in the right direction to the latest instructions

Thanks for reading :)



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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby VLC_help » 22 Apr 2012 13:30

Any capture device that has DirectShow/WDM (analog input) or BDA (digital TV) drivers should work. And yes, it is possible to start VLC via .bat file with chosen parameters.

For streaming part, it would help to know if you have limitations for the clients (they only have 100 kbps of bandwidth, they only use WMP etc.).

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby payneardo » 22 Apr 2012 13:41

HI thanks for you reply I am waiting for a dazzle card to be delivered and think that can do go directshow/WDM. I currently have an Aver media a812 card in my pc but tried all sorts of setting :-/

It will be across local LAN for now so no limitations on bandwidth but think will top it off at 512 k as that should be OK and will be embedding the stream in some HTML code .


<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" name="VLC" autoplay="yes" loop="no" volume="100" width="640" height="480" target="mms://mylocalstream">

Thanks Again for looking and replying :)

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby VLC_help » 23 Apr 2012 18:58

Then you could try something like

Code: Select all

vlc dshow:// :sout=#transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=800,scale=1,acodec=wma2,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=}

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby payneardo » 23 Apr 2012 19:08

Thank you for this its much appreciated , my capture card is due either Tuesday or Wednesday and can test it all

Thanks again for your time :)

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby payneardo » 24 Apr 2012 20:26

Any recommendations for a USB or PCI-E capture card that will work with VLC in the UK as cheap as chips. My dazzle arrived today and had to install on a VM as it doesn't like win 7 x64 and then found it it doesn't work in VLC :oops: (glad I didn't splash any cash and it was an old one I had leant a friend who posted it back to me)

I am a very limited budget and wondered if anybody can recommend a USB capture card that works well with VLC 7 Win 7 x 64

Many Thanks


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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby VLC_help » 25 Apr 2012 20:18

EasyCAP devices are cheap and they should work with x64 systems.

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby payneardo » 27 Apr 2012 23:06

Thanks I might have to get an easy cap device at the moment Kworld Hybrid TV stick Pro UB424-D which VLC seems to pick up but I cant tell if it is working. I have (hopefully connect to the stream) using http://mylocalip:8080 but all I get is a black screen. sorry again to bother you but trying not to give up on this

In VLC, if I click on Media, Open Capture Device (I only have DirectShow, TV (Digital) & Desktop in the capture Mode (the same as before this capture card).

In Video Device Name I have Conexant Polaris Video Capture listed in the drop down menu & can select this). When I click on configure I can select the video Standard (PAL_I is selected) its says Signal Detected 0 and Lines Detected 625. There is a 2nd Tab that says Video Proc Amp (everything here is set as defaults)

In Audio Device Name it is set to default and the only other option is None, if I click on configure it does nothing

Hope you can help Again

Many Thanks


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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby VLC_help » 29 Apr 2012 11:49

If you open Tools -> Messages (set Verbosity to 2), then open the capture device via Media -> Open Capture Device, do you see the video correctly in VLC?

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby payneardo » 29 Apr 2012 12:40

Thanks Again for your help this is the message I get but still nothing in VLC :( (just ordered an easycap device off ebay for a few pence less than a fiver as well in case it is both of my capture cards I have)


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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby VLC_help » 30 Apr 2012 20:35

I would guess it is trying wrong ínput pin with that device. You can override that from Configure (Video input pin).

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby vel_tins » 01 May 2012 12:33

I use a Terratec Grabby for streaming Live TV. Not High-End, but a decent quality. ... 145&sr=8-1
The very cheap ones are just crap. Unstable and bad picture quality.

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby benzie » 24 May 2012 21:32

I use a Terratec Grabby for streaming Live TV. Not High-End, but a decent quality. ... 145&sr=8-1
The very cheap ones are just crap. Unstable and bad picture quality.
Hi, I'm trying to use this very same grabber for live tv streaming. Been testing it over LAN, but not getting to work. Ultimately I want to also stream over Internet, but LAN first...

I can get VLC to display the video (composite video input) and audio locally. But I haven't been able to get the streaming work, too many settings gets me confused. I did get streaming working with a video file (in LAN).

Can you give me your settings on how do you stream?

Ultimately, I would like to get this working over Internet with best possible quality but with limited bandwidth. The connection is about 1Mb/s, so about 100kB/s. I'm able to open ports and set port forwards as needed. I have used it already using Skype at both ends. It works, but I would like to get better image quality and also having problem with aspect ratio.

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Re: Stream TV Tuner or TV Capture Card

Postby jbailey86 » 25 Nov 2013 17:58

I too am in a similar situation like you re: digital signage. Can you give me some pointers. Could you tell me if you were able to get this project done and what was your setup?

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