How to stream .avi with .srt subtitle through LAN over http?

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How to stream .avi with .srt subtitle through LAN over http?

Postby psychoyam » 13 Jan 2007 16:05

I'm reltively new to VLC, but I couldn't find and answer to my problem. I'm streaming an .avi file via http through my home LAN. Streaming just the .avi is done without problems, but when I try to add the .srt for the subtitles, it won't stream them. I've read about transcoding and saving the .avi with the subtitles, but I just want to be able to stream the .srt as a separate stream. Is this possible? Is there another way to do it that does not involves transcoding the original file? Is there another protocol or streaming method? Bottom line, how could I stream an .avi with its corresponding .srt file? Thanks in advance.

Blank Cone
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Postby gvdbilt » 13 Jan 2007 17:00

This is very well possible, I have it working here.

However, you must check the error log first to see what the exact error is that prevents the SRT from showing. Usually you will find some indications such as "found <movie>.srt", and then "error opening <whatever it is that is missing>".

In my case I had the issue that VLC tried to use a font which was not present on my Linux installation. After I installed a FreeType package suddenly the transcoding of the SRT worked perfectly. This did take me a while to figure out though.
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