The ActiveX control still supports the IVLCControl interface, it's just that the IVLCControl2 interface is now the default you get when you create the object. I'm not sure how you'd get Javascript to do the QueryInterface on the ActiveX object to give you the old interface to call though, sorry.
I did some testing, but I think it will not work if you want the old interface on the new object.
What I did find out that you can use the getVariable() if you create a new activeXobject like the following.
var vlcOld=new ActiveXObject("VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.1");
function getVariableVLC(parString)
try {
var x = vlcOld.getVariable(parString);
return x;
catch (e)
alert(e+" : "+e.description)
You will see that the second time the correct value will return. At least that was the case on my machine. Maybe it will be of some use to someone.
I will see if i find some other way to call my needed vlc-functions, because i don't want to use the old object it is sometimes a little unstable.