Postby gvdbilt » 06 Jan 2007 13:37
That's not the problem, I have installed the dvdread packages, both binary and development:
[host]~$ rpm -qa | grep dvdread
If I hadn't installed the development package the compiling would not have worked in the first place.
I build the VLC RPM myself using rpmbuild and a specfile I modified from the source tarball. The specfile contains the line to check on the RPM install:
%{!?_without_dvdread:Requires: libdvdread >= 0.9.4}
So the check should see if the dvdread package is of version 0.9.4 or higher, which it is on my system. Yet the check fails, and that is what is bothering me on this problem.
A waste is a terrible thing to mind.