R/H9 Install

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.

R/H9 Install

Postby Guest » 14 Jun 2004 03:58

I realize this has probably been asked a few times, but I couldn't find any specific answers after running a search.

Anyway, does anyone know if there's a more detailed step by step procedure on how to install VLC under R/H9??
The instructions on the download page are sparse at best. I've downloaded both the binary files and the R/H update files into a common sub-directory as directed. I ran rpm -i on the vlc and a list comes back stating vlc needs... and goes on to list all the files in the sub-directory. Now what :?: Do all the rpm files need to be installed or do you pick the ones needed??
As you can tell this is all new to me and I'm trying to understand the logic. It's too bad they didn't include a readme file.

Actually using a terminal window reminds me of how DOS started out. And how many were turned off by having to learn basic to make some progs work in dos. I hope Linux will mature into a more automated o/s....

Thanks for any input... 8)

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Update not install

Postby pronerd » 14 Jun 2004 07:17

While in the vlc dirctory type :

rpm -U *.rpm

If it comes back and says "failed dependences" the installer needs extra files that it can not find.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 14 Jun 2004 14:39

This is a common RPM problem. Read up on how to use your distribution.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

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