Postby phase » 07 Dec 2006 06:06
Well I can't speak for the OP, but the problem I have with skins 2 is that I can't get the player's window to go as wide as my screen (1680X1050). It seems to want to stop at around 1400 (or they go full screen width, but have that "now playing" to the right that eats up several inches of screen real estate). The only way to do it is to have the "Hardware YUV overlay screen," which will go full screen, maxed out, then have the 2nd window with the media controls at the bottom--however, its seek bar is shrunk down to around a few hundred pixels, making careful seeking back and forth difficult. Thats why I like maximizing the default player, as it maximizes the seek bar also (it just goes wonky when you don't exactly click on the slider bar, making the mov go far forward or reverse by accident).
Although its entirely possible I'm doing something wrong, and don't wish to detract from the OP's future feature request.