Pocket PC - No Audio

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Pocket PC - No Audio

Postby atharo » 05 Dec 2006 04:07

Hi VlC ers,

i've tried to catch a stream from a Windows Mobile Pocket PC by using windows media player 9

here is the syntax of it :

/usr/bin/vlc -vvv pvr:/dev/video:norm=pal:size=320x240:frequency=224250:channel=0:bitrate=1500000:maxbitrate=2000000 --sout-display --sout '#transcode{vcodec=DIV3,vb=256,acodec=mp3,ab=64,channels=2}:standard{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=:8080}'

but still i can't get the audio....we can catch the video stream but not for the audio

hope you can help me...

best regards

hello friend...

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Postby DJ » 05 Dec 2006 05:09

I think you need to check your Syntax. But i general I see a few errors.

1. Audio frequency is samplerate=<rate> ad this can be expressed as 22050, 44100 or 48000

2. You state norm=pal:size=320x240 but this is an NTSC size. I don't believe that interlacing and line structure can be changed except perhaps for deinterlacing as this is a reflection of the source. Only size can be changed as a function of percentage like .75, .5 or .25 (size=<percent of source>

3. DivX 3 and MP3 in a ASF container will show up under Windows as MPEG43 and pose no problem for WMP assuming WMP 9 was updated to do MPEG43.

4. I see a port with no address. This may be a problem?? :)

5. Your bit rates seem unusually high for wanting to stream and the options in general seem out of order.

You may want to consider looking at messages to see errors.

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