create stream with windows batch file?

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Blank Cone
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create stream with windows batch file?

Postby sjensen » 14 Nov 2006 20:00

Hi all... I've been doing this on the Linux side no problem but now I have to involve a windows machine... and I'm lost/stuck. :(

I need to be able to create a bat file that will grab audio from the mic line on hte sound card, transcode it, create a SDP file, and pass it off in rtp format to our darwin streaming server.

Here's the command I use to do this for a *video only* broadcast under Linux - note that I need to do *audio only* with the Windows side...

Code: Select all

vlc -I dummy v4l:/dev/video0:size=640x480 --no-audio --sout #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=800}:rtp{dst=my.dss.server.ip,port=1234,sdp=file:///usr/local/movies/foo.sdp}

Any help? I've noticed that in windows it uses a dshow device name instead of a /dev address (makes sense) but when I try and modify my Linux broadcast command, I don't get any errors but I don't get a SDP file either... (using sdp=file://c:/foo.sdp)

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Postby dionoea » 19 Nov 2006 18:35

on windows you need to use --sout=#... instead of --sout "#...". Don't know if that'll help.
Antoine Cellerier
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