Get/Set Audio PID or language of a multicast stream

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Get/Set Audio PID or language of a multicast stream

Postby Yapadavaro » 09 Nov 2006 10:44

I'm using the activeX v0.8.5 under IE and I need to select specific audio PID.
Is there a way (script or function) to get from the activeX all audio entries in the playing multicast stream? Or is the only method is to switch audio entry by this code :

Code: Select all

keyvalue = vlc.getVariable("key-audio-track"); vlc.setVariable("key-pressed", keyvalue);
Thanks for your help.
Last edited by Yapadavaro on 10 Nov 2006 11:23, edited 1 time in total.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 22
Joined: 09 Nov 2006 09:49
Location: Annecy, France

Postby Yapadavaro » 10 Nov 2006 10:49

No way ...
But i found something else, I post it because it could interested some one.

By giving the iso code (2 letters for me), the ActiveX match the correct language if available in the multicast stream.

Code: Select all

var _options = new Array(":vout-filter=deinterlace", ":deinterlace-mode=linear", ":audio-language=fr"); document.vlc.addTarget("...", _options, 12, -666);
But i'm always interested if some one have a solution to give the correct audio pid of a language to decode the stream :D

vlc v0.8.5 / ActiveX under IE 6 sp2

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