To use MIDL on cygwin, how to set environmet variable

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 19 Jul 2006 06:37

To use MIDL on cygwin, how to set environmet variable

Postby btwo0 » 24 Sep 2006 13:11

hi all

i changed the axvlc.idl to add a new method in vlc activex control.
in the readme.txt, it said that if i changed the axvlc.idl, i need to use the midl compiler.

i need to set some environmet variable like
export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual/Studio/COMMON/MSDev98/Bin":"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Bin"
export INCLUDE='C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include'
export MIDL="midl"

i know little about cygwin. my OS is window xp. i tried to use command line to set these variavle, but i failed.

so how to set these enviroment variable?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 17
Joined: 19 Jul 2006 06:37

Postby btwo0 » 25 Sep 2006 04:40

ok, i have got it.

the new method can work now


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 03 Nov 2006 04:38

What was the answer?

Postby somtam » 07 Nov 2006 01:35

Hi btwo0,

I am having trouble building the activex control. I'm working with Visual Studio .NET 2003 regarding midl.exe, so my paths are a bit different than yours. When I try to run midl (using the current nightly build, not modified yet by me) I get a MIDL1003 error.

Can you share with us what steps you took that allowed you to build the activex control?


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