Postby dmmedia » 09 Dec 2006 15:58
How would you point Amino to load the web page?
I have Amino 110 from local DTV provider and if I connect it to my PC and use ethereal, I can only see it requests address using dhcp and then send a single udp packet to and get icmp (port unavailable) response from my pc.
After that it shows default page with providers logo and asking to reboot the box.
There are no toolbars and no possibility to enter custom web address.
Remote control buttons do not generate any requests.
If I sniff the 'real' traffic, then after that udp packet Amino box get no reply and join multicast group and start to receive stream imediatelly. Menu button on remote control opens a web page from providers server with channel menu.
I have also scanned box with nmap, and found 3 tcp ports open:
54321, 10038 and 4992. Neither of them is a telnet port.
The only thing I would like to do, is to point Amino to the server on my local network and stream own video/audio to the box.
Could you, please, share a bit of your time and help, pointing me into the right direction?