Can I ask help on a very basic question - Mozilla Plugin

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Can I ask help on a very basic question - Mozilla Plugin

Postby clive1246 » 16 Jul 2006 23:47

I have been trying for a very long time to get VLC to work in Fedora 4.

I eventually got it working by using yum but I do not know whether it has been compiled with the Mozilla Plugin.

Can anyone tell me how to check.

Thanks for your help


Postby alec_robertson » 17 Jul 2006 00:16

A couple of ways... in firefox go to about:plugins and look for VLC, try a "locate" and see if it is in a mozilla/plugins directory, or just open a test page ( to see if anything shows up.

In debian unstable at least, there is a separate package called vlc-mozilla-plugin, but I don't know about the FC repo.

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