Help for the parameter filter with vlc's ActiveX

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Help for the parameter filter with vlc's ActiveX

Postby Guest » 21 Dec 2005 20:01

In Visual Basic, with VLC's ActiveX, I have do that Sub :

Dim options() As Variant
options() = Array(":crop-geometry=768x432", ":filter=crop", ":aspect-ratio=16:9")
VLCPlugin1.addTarget "c:\myvideos\video.mpg", options, VLCPlayListAppendAndGo, -666

aspect-ratio is 16:9 but the filter crop doesn't seem to be run.

Could you explain me the good syntax ?



Postby Guest » 24 Jun 2006 21:27


I have the same issue. Here is my c# code to activate cropping :
this options are passed to VLC activex

string[] options;
options = new string[4];
options[0] = ":snapshot-path=" + path;
options[1] = ":snapshot-format=" + format
options[2] = ":vout-filter=crop";
options[3] = ":crop-geometry=180x120+15+15";

This does not work.

Or is there any way to activate custom cropping while video playing ?
The only way I found is to activate cycle crop key :
object hotkey;
hotkey = VLCPlugin.VLC.getVariable("key-crop");
VLCPlugin.VLC.setVariable("key-pressed", hotkey);

Thank you

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