With ActiveX Embedded, who does the traffic/bandwidth cost?

All you've ever wanted to know about the ActiveX, Mozilla plugins, the web interface and various PHP extensions

With ActiveX Embedded, who does the traffic/bandwidth cost?

Postby kaanuki » 02 Jun 2006 16:27

Hello, all.

I'm not the most proficient in understanding the ins and outs of networking, so please bear with me...

I will be traveling for the next couple of weeks and I'd like to watch some good old local tv on my page. I have successfully embedded the Active X object into a webpage and uploaded it to my server. The URL is pointing to my home PC

Can someone give me a quick, little course on who it costs/affects, and how the bandwidth/traffic works in a couple of these examples:

[1] The scenario explained above... (I am away from home, and my webpage is on a remote server pointing to my home PC's WAN IP address)?
[2] If I am at home, and my webpage is on a remote server pointing to my 192.168.x.x Lan IP address?
[3] If I am at home, and my webpage is on a remote server pointing to my home PC's WAN IP address?

Thanks, in advance.

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