playlist management - arranging playlist items up and down.

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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playlist management - arranging playlist items up and down.

Postby hoiung » 20 May 2006 08:57


I saw this suggestion in the skins section of the forum for some reason, but will there be a function to move queued media items in the playlist up and down in prior to being played like in winamp?

its an extremely useful function and be nice that i could arrange my items.... also, are there a way of automatically removing an item from list once its been played? I just think that VLC needs a better queuing system and the use could adjust the way they want it :lol:

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 20 May 2006 08:51

Postby hoiung » 20 May 2006 09:03

the reason why i suggest the items being removed after being played is so that there is no need to keep creating new playlist ^^... and if I have a media centre to play my queued items.. i can just constantly keep adding without the list getting too long and unmanagable over time as the playlist become overloaded.

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Re: playlist management - arranging playlist items up and do

Postby yoann » 30 May 2006 19:43

You can now move playlist items with your mouse but only in the "wxWidgets" interface (not the "skins" one).


Postby Guest » 30 May 2006 20:50

isn't there a button one? because if this is to be implemented in the http remote control, the mouse doesn't work :P

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