Big problem need help !!!

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Big problem need help !!!

Postby cyberden » 16 May 2006 09:30

one Server and 20 clients all Windows XP maschines on all vlc player 0.8.5
Now my ploblem is that i only have on the server a mouse and a keyboard so i will control all clients from the server. So when i send a stream to the clients the vlc player on the clients must start automaticly and when the stream is over or when i closed the vlc player on the server the vlc on the clients must close.

Thank you for your help

New Cone
New Cone
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try that

Postby bd » 17 May 2006 14:46


I'm not too sure about your setup but as far as I've understood it you want to stream from a server to 20 clients and have those playing your streams automatically?

A possible setup is:
- You stream your videos using multicast from the server
- You launch VLC on your clients to decode the multicast stream

This way, your VLC players will be waiting for the multicast stream and they will play it automatically.

I'm not aware of any way to launch and close VLC automatically when receiving and stopping a stream on windows. You can probably find various ways to do that with a bit of scripting under Linux.

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New Cone
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VLC as a Server

Postby assyrian47 » 17 May 2006 19:56

Here are a few tips.

1. Make sure you are using version 0.8.5.

2. Run VLC on the server. Control it from another machine through http interface. Specifically the VLC VLM.

3. Make sure that you broadcast a SAP for the clients to use when you stream your program material. This why they can launch the player and open the playlist, right click on the channel and select Play.

4. You can modify the client VLC player actions by modifying the VLC command line. This way all the clients will start the same. Make the modifications on a shortcut on the desktop of each client.

many other tweaks can be made. I hate to say this but the VLC command line help from the wiki will help.

Good luck
[ WinXP Pro SP2 | 1GB RAM | 80GB HDD | 3.0G HT | VLC 0.8.5 ]

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